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"You sort of missed." Sentry stated as Cassidy glared up at the little ghost that hovered beside her right shoulder. Sentry huffed, his optic flickered down to where the two Vanguard ran out of the cave system. Their attention snapping to the dead baron on the ground. Cassidy remained quiet for a moment before she pushed herself up to a kneeling position, and grabbed the strap of the sniper rifle. Clipped it on, she slung it on her shoulder without a comment before she slid down the stone that she used as her perch.

    "So, we hunt the Rider?"

    "No, she's too fast. I can't hit her with the rifle, Ikora and Zavala will have to deal with her. We'll move to the next baron." Cassidy explained as she moved down the hill to where her sparrow sat. Her fingers twisting around the trinket in her hand as she thought.

    "I would think our next target should be whoever has Cayde?" Sentry muttered as Cassidy stopped staring at the little light for a moment.

    "I know that's what you want. But we have to be certain that the barons are dead. If anything goes wrong the Barons are going to be a big issue." Cassidy responded as Sentry huffed a breath.

    "You're overthinking again."

    "I overthink a lot of things, Sentry. Be more specific." Cassidy mounted the sparrow as Sentry flew over to her.

    "If we get Cayde we don't need to hunt the other Barons." Sentry pointed out.

    "The Barons are the main issue Sentry. If we let them be free, they could cause more havoc than they are worth. Let alone, leaving them to their own devices. I don't think we want another war for the Reef, because if we leave them, that's what it's going to be." Cassidy stated.

    "Cass, I-"

    "Hush now. She is right, you know. The Baron's are an issue, with them still alive, there is almost no chance we are going to be able to get even close to Cayde." The red, white and gold colored ghost said as she formed in front of Cassidy. Sundance glanced up at the guardian beside her for a few seconds as the ghost heard Sentry huff.

    "Why am I always the one being picked on here?" Sentry inquired.

    "Because you always make things more difficult than they need to be. Plus if the rifleman is still alive, he could kill anyone's ghost. We can't allow that." Sundance informed as Sentry grumbled something about doing it the hard way.

    "So next point of interest, the rifleman than." Cassidy stated.

    "Oh, are we going to have a sniper battle!" Sundance said excitement rolling off the little light.

    "Perhaps." Cassidy smirked as Sundance cheered before disappearing into her armor. Sentry hovered by Cassidy's side for a few moments contemplating his next words.

    "Cass?" Sentry asked only to get a hum in response from his guardian. "What were you talking about in the ship earlier?" Cassidy's smile disappeared.

    "What do you mean?" Cassidy questioned as she glanced at the ghost for a few moments.

    "You said something about saving him a different way" Sentry stated as Cassidy thought for a few seconds.

    "Just thinking out loud is all..." Cassidy admitted.

    "Are you okay?" Sentry asked as he hovered closer to his guardian's face.

    "What do you want me to say?"

    "I... I don't know... " Sentry muttered as Cassidy watched the light for a few moments as it glanced back up at her. "You know... you're my guardian, and I'm your ghost." Sentry whispered as Cassidy stared at her companion in confusion. "But... after everything, we're more than that, right?" Sentry inquired.

    "Of course we are. You've been there through the good and the bad. We fought through hell and back again together, of course we are more than just a ghost and guardian. You're my family, Sentry." Cassidy exclaimed as Sentry lit up a bit at the statement.

    "Then I guess we better get going." Sentry said as Cassidy nodded as the little ghost slipped under her hood.

    "Better hold on tight."

    "With what? I don't have hands."
Here is the next chapter guys! I hope you enjoy

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