Few hours later Miruko POV:

I sat on a bench looking at the sky worried about Izuku. "Here." I glance over to see Ryuko hand me a lunch she made. "Thanks." She sat down next to me as we began eating. "How was it with Izuku this morning?" "He was scared, but I was able to get him to go to school." I looked at some of the food and felt bad for Izuku having to fight this alone. "We didn't push him to fast...did we?" "Rumi, he needs to make friends his own age. We can't always be there for him and he was able to get back to the standard for his age and beyond it in a snap." I had to admit, Izuku was able to pick up grammar and math like it was second nature to him when we brought him to get some tutoring. We thought it was cause of his quirk that his brain was able to process this better since it works very differently than most. But even if he's smarter than kids his age, he's more fragile than others.

"But was it right to send him now? He may have survived, but that eye of his makes him very sensitive to what happened to him. I'm scared this is gonna ruin the success we worked hard to get with Izuku after everything that's happened to him." "He'll be ok. Izuku is a lot tougher than we give him credit for. Any kid that survives on the streets for two years at the age of four deserves respect in my book. Right now, all he needs is confidence, and that is only obtained through these acts where his will is tested. The sooner he gets back into normal life, the better for him and the sooner the real recovery begins." I held my chop sticks in my mouth thinking this and agreed. "I just hope he holds out for the day. Kids are a little hard to predict what they'll do."

Time skip to recess Izuku POV:

The day was finally almost over with everyone going to the playground. I stayed by the sandbox which was in the far corner away from everyone. I was scared and wanted to be alone, but I wanted to be able to talk to the other kids. I didn't get it, so I just kept away from everyone. "Hi." I look up to see two people in front of me. One was a girl with brown hair that almost covered her eyes that had x's in them, and another girl with black hair and matching eyes that was avoiding looking at me. "I'm Kinoko, but evewy body caws me Kino fow showt. This is Yui. She doesn't tawk much but she's a good pewson." The girl called Yui avoided staring at me and sat next to me. "D-do you want t-to play w-with us?" I couldn't answer I was so happy. 'Somebody wants to play with me?' I started to cry a little before nodding. "Thewe thewe. Don't cwy. You wook happiew when you smiwe." I wiped my eyes before nodding. "What do you want to play?" "Wet's make sand castwes!" Kinoko said this as we sat down to make little castles.

As we were almost finished, some other kids came over to step on Yui's and Konoko's. "If it isn't the quiet girl and the mushroom girl. Hanging out with the new kid cause you can't make better friends?" A kid came over that was bigger than us to make Yui hide behind me in fear. "That was mean! Apowogize to Yui wight now!" "And what are you gonna do about it pipsqueak?" The kid pushed Kinoko into the sandbox with two other kids getting ready to fight. "Where'd that courage you had go? Did it come out when you fell back." This kid was now making me mad. "You know something, the weird new kid belongs with you three. Just look at that eye of his, your nothing but losers that will never be heroes." They started laughing with Yui shaking behind me.

"That's not true! Izuku is nice! Nicer than you at least! If you want to find who the real losers are, look at yourselves!" Everyone was silent as Yui says this. "Your done for quiet girl!" The bigger kid started making his hands into rock with Yui scared as anything for what's happening. I couldn't take much more of this, so I stood up. "You stepping out of the way new kid? Smart mo-" I punch him in the face for him to walk backwards. "What the? Bad move new guy, get him!" I started to use my quirk a little to how I can use it. 'Remember mama's quirk and how it works.' I felt my ears turn into rabbit ears and a tail behind me. When they came after me, I jumped up and landed on this guy with his fingers turning into rubber. He fell into the dirt as the others came at me.

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