Ch.6- The Mask

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Draco sat alone in the library, impatiently waiting for whoever had sent him the letter telling him to meet them at this very spot at this exact time. Draco decided he'd wait a couple more minutes, and if they didn't show up, he'd get up and leave.

It was nearly five minutes later when he decided he'd better not waste his precious time. But just as he was about to get up, she finally showed up, her hair a flaming red and as bright as always. Ginny. She walked towards Draco, giving him as fake of a smile as she could muster, then sitting herself down in front of him.

"You?"  He asked.

"Why? Did you get your hopes up that it was Harry who wanted to speak with you? Well, don't be so disappointed because that's the topic we need to talk about."  Ginny said.

Draco raised an eyebrow, looking at her questioningly.

"I saw and heard what happened yesterday, between you and Harry." Draco's eyes went wide, but he hurriedly composed himself and put on a face of confusion, and sneered, he as if he didn't know what she meant.

"Look, I don't know what you mean, but my patience is wearing thin, so speak sense, or don't speak at all." Draco said, spitting fire.

"Don't pretend, Malfoy. I know how you think about him. I know how you feel about him. I know how you want to feel him." She said, about to reach the point of why she brought him here.

"And I just want to make sure you don't get hurt, because I know how he feels about you, and I can assure you, he doesn't feel the same."

"You're lying, I know you are." He stated.

"Well, maybe I am, but I'm not lying when I say that I don't want Harry to get hurt."

Draco opened his mouth, but closed it right after.

"You see," Ginny started, "Harry's been through a lot, and he's still scarred ( pun not intended) after the whole Voldemort thing, and the battle, and I don't think dating a Death Eater is going to help him forget that. So do what you will, but just know, you're hurting Harry by just being near him, by reminding him of those horrid memories." And with that, she got up and left the library, leaving behind a conflicted Draco, who wanted to be with Harry, but didn't want to hurt Harry by doing so.

Draco likes Harry, he'd even go as far as to say he was in love with him, but hurting him is the last thing he'd want to do, so leaving him be was exactly what Draco had decided is best. But little did he know, sometimes it's better to embrace the scars of the past, and not bury them in order to forget.


News of the masked ball (masquerade) broke out, and the students of Hogwarts would be lying if they said they weren't excited. The ball was for 6th years and above, a separate one in a separate room would be hosted for the 4th- 5th years. Everyone going to the ball was obliged to wear a mask.

Harry, unlike all the others, was not stoked at all for the upcoming ball, which would take place a week before their first break of the school year. Harry didn't like the idea of being surrounded by people surrounded by masks, but Hermione kept badgering him about going, so he might just go in order to make her stop.

It was a Saturday, and Harry was sitting atop his bed, thinking about a certain someone, and the events that happened the day before. He wondered if Draco was going to the ball, too, and hoped that he might recognize him. Oh, what was he saying, of course he'll recognize Draco. His piercing stone-colored eyes, his smirk, his sharp features, pale skin. Yeah, he'll definitely recognize Draco.

Harry sighed and got dressed, making his way out of the dorms, and exiting the common room. He walked through the halls, his head down, thinking deeply about something, before bumping into someone, the scent of apples and mint taking over.

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