Sarah Byrd

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Hello guys! Sorry for the Stupid late update I had the flu and lost my idea. Anyways here's a chapter. The girl in this story is silentalchemist1 who asked if she can be in the story.

Chapter 5:

There you are!

As I jump through the buildings I start to grow worry. They're not anywhere, well anywhere where I can see them. Where did those dorks go? I start to grow frustrated.


NO answer.

"Stop playing with me you idiots!" I say.

I growl having a headache but having a worry shiver. Where can they be? Is it possible that the Shredder has gotten them? Dang it! I go down and sit on a bench looking at the sea. I've been looking for at least a good amount of 4 hours. I hum the tune Forgiveness of Toby's song in Eye On It.

"Woah, what are you?" Some asked behind me.

I jump at the sudden voice of enthusiasm. Oh great not only did I lose my dorky brothers I also been discovered. Please be April...please be April. I turn around cautiously as if facing a monster. There stood a girl with light brown hair and a red sweatshirt and dark jeans.

"Uh, hi?" I said waving my green hand nervously.

"Hi." She responds with a huge smile.

"You're not scare?" I asked mostly confused by her sudden actions.

"Course not," She said sitting next to me in the bench. I saw she had light brown eyes too.

"And what is a girl like you being here in the dark?" I asked.

"Taking a walk. Listening to music. She says. "Daily thing I guess, anyways what about you? What is a giant green turtle with a red bandanna sitting in the bench in the dark?"

"Isn't it obvious. I'm chillaxing in the dark so no one sees me,"

" you don't go walking around in Manhattan during the day?"

"Course not. I don't want anybody to know about me. "

"What about me?"

"To late. You found me. I have to be more careful. Dang it,"

"You seem stressed,"

"Stressed? You barely know me and you're saying I'm stressed?"

"Well, come on dude! Everybody knows what stress looks like,"

"Fine you caught me there,"

"Okay so what is it?"

"What do you mean 'what is it?' I can't tell you!"

"Come on. Okay tell me your name?"

"Tell me yours,"

"Sarah Byrd"

"FINE! Raphael."

"Ok, so what's the problem Raph,"

"It's my brothers. I have this attraction to this guys songs."

"What so wrong about that?"

"Well, it's uh...Christian type and my brothers don't know about it,"

"Ah, you don't want to admit it?"

"Huh, I didn't even say anything else besides what type it is,"

"Well it's easy to tell what kind it is,"

I snorted at Sarah who was able to find out my problem.

"Yeah, well you don't know all about me"

"Well, what else?"

"I have three brothers. Leo the oldest, Donnie the second youngest and Mikey the baby of us. But Donnie is in love with a girl name April O'Neil who lives here. I asked her if she can buy me the music so I can hear it. She did like she promised and didn't tell anyone so I hugged her. Donnie got the wrong idea and thought I was stealing her from him. He's too into the love thing that he doesn't want to hear my reasoning."

"Woah...that's a lot to take in. Okay let me help you, Raph!"

"Help me? On my little 'romance' problem. No thanks, not from a stranger like you."

"Pfft...Raph my friend, I'm talking to a giant turtle who I never met and probably won't see ever again. I'm probably hallucinating."

"You're right. You are hallucinating. Heck, even if I'm real you should be running. I could be some murderer whose blood thirsty."

"You look harmless."

"Seriously, Sarah just seriously."

"What? Ever heard of 'Don't Judge a person by it's cover.' Even if I look at you I can't assume you're a murderer maybe you're mental."

"Isn't the turtle thing enough to show you,"

"Well, you didn't look like you wanted to hurt me,"

"Okay, fine you win this round, Byrd."


I kept my eyes on the moving water and stay silent. It was maybe around 10 minutes of silence probably around 40 seconds and Sarah was singing to herself.

Some days, life feels perfect

Other days, it just ain't working

The good, the bad, the right, the wrong

And everything in between.

Though it's crazy, amazing

We can turn a heart with the words we say.

Mountains crumble with every syllable.

Hope can live or die.

So speak Life, speak Life.

To the deadest darkest night.

Speak Life, Speak Life.

When the sun won't shine and you don't know why.

Look into the eyes of the brokenhearted;

I look at Sarah in disbelief. I KNOW THAT SONG! She looks at me with a questionable look.

"Something wrong?"

"What song is that?"

I asked even though I knew the answer.

"Speak Life by TobyMac."

I stood there stunned; I didn't really expect to meet someone who also hears TobyMac.

"Is TobyMac the artist you are hiding from?"

"More or less."

"He's a really good artist. Love his music. It helps me take away stress especially Speak Life when I get bullied. Have you seen the music video? It's about life and how there's a lot of impact in us but we can't drain life we speak life."

He has music videos? I really need to sneak into Donnie's laptop, delete the history too if I have to.

"No, I haven't."

"I can help you in your problem,"

"Right now I'm actually in a tight situation where those dorks are either kidnapped or hiding from me so I need to find them. But sure why not?

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