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Chapter 6:


Sorry for such a late update ALMOST SUMMER!

Raphael paced back and forth in his room. Just a week ago his brothers had either left him or had been kidnapped. Raphael thought long and hard. It doesn't make sense? It's more likely that they were kidnapped. They surely could've left me. Ralph shook his head unable to settle to what had been done to his brothers to be gone for 7 days. That's when an idea hit him like an arrow to his heart. He ran to Donnie's lab and looked anywhere for a clue or something unusual. Finding the lab messy and quiet.

"Donnie would've at least brought something with him if he was planning on leaving the lair. Most of all what was Mikey's and Leo's intention on leaving? Dang it! Maybe April is hiding them from me?" Raph dashes to the exit.

The air hits his face as he leaps from one building to another searching for the O'Neil's apartment. His lime green eyes then catch the apartment. He quickly knocks the window with some force making. April opens her window, greets Raph. The red masked turtle doesn't hesitate to ask if she has her brothers with her. April only looks at him with sincere but with an answer he didn't want to hear.

"Why are they gone? I don't get it." Raph said.

"I don't know it's a little weird for them to be gone for to long. Something must've gone wrong. Maybe during watch, the foot got them off guard?" April answers.

"I at least know I'm not the only one who thinks they're kidnapped." Raph said.

He gets up and says his bye's to the red head teenage girl. April only gives him an apologetic smile and goes inside her apartment. The ninja departs but before leaping into a building he sees a certain girl. Sarah. He only smiles and jumps down. Hiding into an alley, lurking. As Sarah nearly passes the alley he whispers.

"Psst...Sarah!" He whisper yells.

Funny thing is she doesn't hear. He notices the white ear-buds and he rolls his eyes in annoyance. Just as he was about to give another call he hears a gasp behind him. Crap! He looked behind him and sees a woman with groceries. Seriously? Why is it that there's a woman with her groceries walking down an alley and unexpectedly finds something scary. Oh, joy! Raph thought. He only gives him a nervous smile. He waves a little nervous showing his strong dark green hand. She drops her groceries and runs.

"Not that surprising. At least I'm not the Hulk."

He shakes his head off and decides to leave.

I'm a Jesus Freak/ Ninja TurtleWhere stories live. Discover now