Chapter 7- Yezzus

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Chapter 7


I shoved a frozen waffle in my mouth, as I grabbed my bag and eyeliner. "Hurry up!" Marvel complained, as if I wasn't already. What did he expect, for a 21 year old lady to be early to these types of things? But honestly, who is?

That was the thing about Marvel though, even though everyone pretty much already knew his identity, he never exactly brought it up. He was that type of person. Sure, he might think about it, but it never came amidst in the atmosphere of conversation. It was strange, but I'm pretty sure Steven suspected he was gay too. Not that there was anything wrong with it. But if he came out it of the closet, our response would most likely be, "We know..." and then followed the awkward silence.

As I rushed as fast as possible, and practically tumbled out of the large mansion, I slammed the door, jogging over to my crappie Jeep. Steven, being who he is, decides that it's okay to laugh at me, while he's sitting in my car that took me forever to get my parents to buy for me. In fact, they still haven't payed it off. If I were still there I'd probably offer to sell one of our grand pianos to pay off the debt. But I'm not, so I can't.

"Why took you so long?" Marvel complained, over exaggerating his complaint. I was right behind him, maybe something is going on. I hope not with his identity.

"U-uh nothing." I answer, shaking it off. Maybe he's just having a bad day.

"Alright." Steven stated as he turned around and turned his head, backing up. I looked at his features, his broad lips, his slightly grown beard, his complection. And that's when I realized that damn he was hot.

He turned back around and  adjusted  his rear view mirror, looking me in the eye with a smirk on his face.

"What?" I ask, grinning myself.

"Nothing.", he remarks, as he shakes his head and turns to the road, still smirking. Whatever. He'll come out soon.

In those fifteen minutes of free time for thinking, I thought about Steven. About all the times he's said "Nothing", yet still acted the same. I thought about how he always gave me that strange look. Maybe he likes me. I thought, but then I soon shook the thought from my head. There's no way that he does, and even if he did... I didn't quite either.

"Is everyone ready?" Steven asked, one foot out of the car and one in.

I nodded, and Marvel responded, "Yup!"

With that, we all exited my car and began walking to the building where Steven, Marvel and I were supposed to be having a conference about the tour. It seemed kind of serious.

As we approached the big building, more like skyscraper. I looked up, astonished. "You never told me it was this big..." I stated, because it was true. He was a little short of information.

"Sorry." He mumbled enough for me to hear him.

I shrugged as he turned forward, and we all entered the enormous building. I followed Steven to the elevator, and we waited beside a group of men in. Business ties, I turned to glanced at them, when I realized who one if them was.

"Andrew?" I asked in a surprised tone of voice. I hadn't seen him in 3 years.

"D-Dena? What are you doing here?" He asked, closing the space between us, coming in with a big hug, picking me up off the ground. I wrapped my arms around his neck, but made sure not to squeeze him. As he set me down, I checked him head to toe, but you could say checked him out. He was at least twice as muscular as he was the last time I saw him, and he had gotten tanner and his features were rather broad. Damn.

"You look great!" I acknowledged.

"Whatever." He shrugged off, tapping me on the shoulder.

I chuckled, I couldn't believe it easy him. He had disappeared late one night, and I never saw him again. He practically disinagrated from my life and I never heard a word from him. From what I can remember, he told me before he left that he was going off into "the big business" and just left.

Around this time, Steven, Marvel, Andrew and a couple of his friends and I had made our way into the elevator, I think we're going to the same floor...

"Where have you been?" I asked, nudging his shoulder in a comforting fashion.

"Here and there..." he faded off, but then started again, "I got an apartment here! And I got a really good job, so it makes my life way easier." he said, kind of in a way as if he were deeply thinking on the topic.

"That's great!" I encourage. It really is. Andrew really had a tough time with finding jobs, there was just something that didn't click with the whole business lable when it came to interviews. But now that I know that he has a good job, and it seems like he enjoys it, I'm more than happy for him. I'm proud.

"Yeah..." he dozed off. "But what about you?" he asked excitedly.

"Um, I left home, and I'm going on tour with Steven" I informed him, as I turned to Steven and what some might say introduce them. 

"Hi, it's nice to meet you. I'm Andrew." 

"Steven." he plainly remarked, not so enthused, and it made me curious why...

"It's nice to meet some of Dena's new friends." Andrew nudged, and I wide eyed him. It was kind of embaressing if you ask me. 

"We should catch up more." I tell Andrew as the elevator door rings as it comes to a stop. 

"Yeah. We should." he remarks. And just like that, I knew that that was the last time in a while that I would get to talk to Andrew. He never followed through with that kind of thing. He'd always say, "Oh, we should go to this place and this area or this museum." but we never did. It was upsetting after a while of being let down time and time again, but I got used to it, and expected never more that the idea of spending the day with Andrew. 

I slipped away from the elevator door after it closed, mesmorising every word and moment, taking every breath slowly as I took that feeling in. But my alter ego fell as I was soon interrupted. 

"Who was that?" Steven asked me, as he grabbed my wrist and began pulling me along the long bright hallway that was as modernistic as can be, but I was still distracted by the whole confrontation with Andrew.

"Oh, Andrew?" I threw aside. "That's my brother." I exclaimed.

Steven looked back, as if stuck somewhere mentally. "O-oh..." he mumbled to himself. 

"Did you think he wa-" I stopped myself, as if too over comprehended to say it aloud. Gross. 

"No, no." Steven protested, as if it was completely wrong for me to think that.

"Then what?" I stopped Steven in his tracks, and we paused from going from each door, trying to find room 207. 

"I, I just... I don't know." he couldn't think strait, and I could tell. 

I understood how he felt, to not be able to put your thoughts into words. But he just needed to tell me what was going on in his mind up there already. It was exausting trying to read anyone, period. But having to read Steven, it was like he was thinking in a different language. 

"What? Seriously." I told him as I peered into his eyes as deeply as possible. I was ready to hear what he had to say. 

"I thou--" 

My phone buzzed, and I reached into my back pocket, looking at the screen to see who in the world would interrupt a moment like this. But instead of turning my phone off and turning back to Steven, I clicked on the message that said, "Mom".

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⏰ Última atualização: Dec 06, 2014 ⏰

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