Chapter 4- The Escape Plan

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Chapter 4


I owe it all Marvel, I guess you could say. For his amazing brain that powers in such a way that I got away with it. The whole damn thing. It was brilliant, hearing it in the atmosphere of that busy Donut Shack on the corner. It had a sparkle to it. Some kind of idea that hadn't gone better. Sure, I could've just left, considering I'm 21. But escaping was way better. It gave the whole aftermath kind of an edge.

The plan was, that after I was done talking about the plan, I would go home and tell my parents the one thing that they didn't want to hear. And the one thing I'd tell them, they didn't want to hear it so badly, that they kicked me out.


"Mom? Dad?" I yelled as I took my boots off and put them on the shoe rack.

"Yeah?" A muffled shout came from my parents room. I headed up the stairs quickly, I just wanted to get this over with.

"Mom, Dad, I have to tell you something." I stated with all seriousness.

"Yes???" My dad said back, stressing the s.

"I quit piano." I told them. And they both sat up and looked at me, instead of the TV.

"What?!" My mom asked, her eyes wide open.

"I said I quit piano. I never liked it, you guys always made me play music I didn't like." I declared.

"Since when?" My dad questioned with fury.

"A couple of years." I answered.

"Go pack your bags young lady." My dad pointed to my room as he got out of bed.

I rushed to my room and did exactly that. I was kind of nervous, but over all I was excited. I didn't know why I was exited about being kicked out, but I was. And there was no time to over analyze my feelings.

I could hear my parents arguing back and forth to each other, blaming it on the other. I sighed sharply.

Then as I heard something loud thump down onto the ground, maybe a book, or something... and it caused me to pack my bags faster and faster. I was so scared, but all I could do was rush. I did grab the biggest bag, so I shoved everything possible in it that I could, including toothbrush stuff and such.

I didn't bother to say goodbye, as I passed the shut door that consisted of my parents arguing, unaware I was leaving at that very moment.

I plumped down stairs, by big duffle bag dragging me down. And opened the front door and stepped outside, putting my shoes on with the door still opened. I hesitated, questioning if I should say my final goodbyes, but my hand grabbed the outside handle and slammed it shut, and I ran from the house I felt like I'd been trapped in for years. I didn't look back, I didn't want to see that place again. Or at least for a while. I tossed my huge bag in the back of my wrangler, and put the key in the egnition, and started the car.

On my way to Marvels, I thought about my parents. What they'd do when they found out that I was already gone, that I was out of reach. Untouchable.

Hoodie Allen- The Tour Of Your lifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora