⚠️1~ |The Eccentric Savor|⚠️ (REWRITTEN)

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⚠️Warning⚠️: This chapter contains attempted rape. If you're sensitive about this topic, I suggest readers consider carefully before proceeding.

"Where am I?" uttered a deep voice coming from a man standing on the wet cobblestone, scanning the dark surrounding perplexedly

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"Where am I?" uttered a deep voice coming from a man standing on the wet cobblestone, scanning the dark surrounding perplexedly. "What's this stinky smell?"

Seeking the answer to his question, he exited the narrow path and moved onto the main street where the air was a bit fresher but still held a pungent smell to his nose.

The night was late, for the moon was already high in the clear, dark sky, but a few passersby and night-owlers were still roaming around the street. As the man traipsed along the pavement, he noticed everyone stopped and stared at him with the eyes full of shock, confusion, and disbelief.

Don't look at me like that. I'm as confused as you, he thought to himself.

However, it was hard to blame those people. After all, no one expected an abnormally tall guy with long, waist-length blonde hair to roam around the city street. Not to mention the out-of-place ankle-length silver robe that was vivaciously fluttering behind him in rhythm with the gentle night breeze.

"I hate this place," he muttered under his breath and made a right turn into a road that had fewer streetlights and people.


"Okay, boss. I'm done now. Don't forget to come and lock the door," a lively guy, in short, black hair shouted from the front door as he slung his bag over his shoulder.

"Be there in a minute!" echoed a voice from the kitchen, followed by a man in his early forties a minute later. "I'm sorry to keep you this late again, Zhan. I'll be sure to give you a bonus this month."

"Thank you so much, boss," the young man replied cheerfully before turning towards the door. "I'm leaving now!"

"See you tomorrow."

"Good night, boss."

"Good night."

Closing the door, Zhan stepped out into the silent street, where he began walking towards his house's direction.

Wow. It's late, he thought.

Zhan quickened his steps, hoping to get to his small yet comfortable living space that was not far away. He wanted nothing more than to get behind the secured locked door and called it a day. But before he could make it to the corner, he heard footsteps coming from behind, making him stop and turn around.

Surprisingly, there was no one in sight.

I must be hearing things. Zhan shook his head and resumed walking. However, the footsteps' sound resurfaced with just three steps, causing him to gulp nervously in fear that he didn't even dare to look the second time. Clutching his bag's strap firmly, Zhan broke into a run. But he couldn't even make it far when a group of well-built men appeared out of nowhere and surrounded him.

My Boyfriend is An Immortal King [YiZhan + ZhanYi] ✅ {Book #1}Where stories live. Discover now