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Happy noises

Thank you, readers, for reading my chaotic mess!

*Realizes a few mistakes*

So umm... I noticed that chapter three and four weren't very great... Sorry about that; Although I might change it-

Also, the image above was taken a few hours before I wrote this so yee.

Also, if the chapters I write seem kinda boring, please comment and tell me. I don't mind criticism, in fact, it helps me improve my writing a bit so I know what to avoid! Also, some chapters might seem a bit... 'bleh' either because I had little motivation or just plain tired. But anyways, Imma continue off from the Karaoke Competition. Mind you that I am going to skip to the finale. I'm tired, okay? And again, apologies if this seems a bit boring...

"And now for the final rounds!" The announcer said through her mic as the audience screamed in excitement. "Are you ready, Tom?" Tord asked as he turned to face Tom. They where both in their private room so they could prepare; The rooms had thick padding although the screams still seemed as loud as a roaring jet engine. "Hell yeah!" Tom exclaimed as he straightened out his dress shirt and brushed his hair a bit. Tord kept his hands in his pockets as he fumbled around with something. "So, do you have any songs in mind?" Tord asked curiously as he tilted his head to the side. "Mhmm." Tom replied, looking at the mirror. "Well, could you tell me what song?" "Honey Lavender by Leuan." "Thanks Thomas- I mean Tom!" Tom blinked, confused as he turned to face Tord who seemed to be a bit nervous. "Okay? But I mean..." Tom started. "You never really correct yourself like that..." Tord didn't say a word.

The room was silent until someone knocked onto the door. "Hello? Thomas Maxwell and Tord Anderson?" A voice called from behind the door. "The event is going to start in three minutes so please arrive to the back of the stage as soon as possible once done!" "Sure thing!" Tord called as he motioned for Tom to follow with his hand. "Let's go Tom! We gotta be quick!" Tom nodded and followed as the two exited the room and followed to signs on the wall to reach the back of the stage. 

"Alright ladies, gentleman, and non-binary pals, let's give it up for 'Silver' and 'Aqua'!" And with that, the audience seemed to have increased in volume as two female figures stepped out from behind another segment of the large velvet curtain that separated the audience from the people backstage. "Alright! Please quiet down!"Aqua said through her microphone as she nudged Silver playfully. "Silver's got a small 'announcement' to make!" The audience quieted down to only a soft murmur as some people just couldn't help but speak. "Welcome everybody to this event!" Silver exclaimed, earning a few whistles and cheers. "As Aqua has said, I will be making a small announcement! If there is a tie between two teams, the two teams will automatically going up against Aqua and I. However, in the case where Aqua and I have a tie against the opposing team, let's just say in advance," Silver stated as Aqua joined along, "Welcome to the gang!" And with that, Silver and Aqua stepped back a bit.

Swan Song (TomTord) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now