chapter 5

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_Time Skip a few days_

._. Ty's POV._.

Ever since my dad captured me he hasn't fed me, and he has been torturing me. I hate him so much! I wanna fucking kill him! But, he's my dad. "Huh.." I sighed. The door opened and I saw my dad come in with a whip. Great! He whipped me. And all I could do was shout and hope someone would eventually hear. I haven't gone to school but I hardly think anyone notices. He whipped me again and said "You little piece of shit! You don't deserve to live! No one will ever love you!" He slapped me across the face and left me on the floor crying my eyes out. He's right. No one cares about me! But if he wants me to die, why doesn't he just do it!? I guess its because he wants me to suffer. I grabbed another piece of glass from the floor put it against my wrist. The blood pouring out of my arm felt good. It helped me relax. But, the reason I started cutting again was because the one person I liked. No. Loved. Is in the hospital and I don't even know if he's alright. My dad is a stupid bastard! He left the window open! Too bad I need help to get out.

>Jerome's POV<

It's been days. And me and Mitch where getting ready to save Ty. "Hey biggums, you ready?" I asked Mitch. "Yeah let's go biggums." He whispered and we headed off to Ty's cabin. When we arrived we saw Ty's dad passed out on the couch through the window." We need to do this fast and quietly. Okay biggums?" "Okay" Here goes nothing.

._.Ty's POV._.

I just stayed on the floor crying. There's nothing else I can do.

_Time skip_

I heard a slight tap on my window. Probably just a bird or something. "Hey Ty. You in there?" Is that Jerome?! Why are they here?! I looked out the window and saw Jerome with a huge grin on his face. "Jerome, Mitch?! What are you doing here?! I told you guys I would be fine!" I whisper/shouted. "Seriously? You thought we would leave our best friend behind? Especially with that monster you call a dad?" Mitch responded. They have a good point. Wait, best friend? "Yeah." "Wow. You don't have many friends do you?" Jerome joked. I just nodded and Jerome's smile disappeared. "Sorry" Jerome apologiesed. "Come on let's get you out of this place." Mitch said reaching his hand out. "Okay wait, I have to get some stuff." I replied. "Okay but hurry I don't know how long it will be until your dad wakes up." Jerome stated quickly. I ran back and grabbed my headphones and my hoodie. I jumped out the window with the help of Jerome. "Let's get leave this hell hole." I said with a smirk. And with that we started running. Even though my body ached, I still need to see Sky. I'm coming Sky.

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