Chapter 9

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"Jumin what did you just say."

"Rika was let out of the asylum she contacted me asking questions about you."

"Will I ever get away from her?"

"I don't know but with y/n and her recovery Rika really shouldn't be around her."

"Yeah I know and I swear if Rika tries anything I won't let her hurt y/n again." Jihyun says and what he didn't know was you were listening in

"Jihyun don't do anything rash but I was thinking you'd like security here for y/n."

"Oh you'd do that."

"Your my friend Jihyun of course I'll do it and y/n is also my friend so consider anything done." Jumin says and Jihyun nods and sighs

"I need to finish making dinner for y/n."

"How's Amelia."

"She's good she's staying with y/ns mother as I help y/n recover it's a lot of work but I can do it I have to this for the woman I love." Jihyun says and you felt your cheeks heat up after he said that

*I won't let Rika ruin my life I can't let her hurt y/n again I won't let her I won't let anyone hurt y/n again I won't fail her again*

|Time skip|

Your mother came and visited you with Amelia and she always brought stuff that used to be yours when you were a child or teenager

"I'm sorry I don't remember I wish I could remember you your my mother I bet I made you sad." You say crying and your mother hugs you

"Don't its fine sweetie I just care your awake and alive so many doctors told us to give up on you but me and Jihyun never did we knew you would wake up." Your mother says and you nod as you were holding Amelia which you wish you were there for her when she was just a baby

"Momma!" Amelia says and your mother smiles

"Now look I'll tell you anything you wanna know so don't worry you need to recover first so don't stress yourself out too much." Your mother says and you nod

*I wanna know everything but I can't rush it I need to be patient*

His fiancée Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang