Chapter 28 - Vision

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Chapter 28


For the next three months, the entire school stayed busy with fight practice and the reconstruction on the fifth floor and the apartments. By the end of April, we had finished building twenty-one bedrooms, boys and girls bathrooms, a new laundry room and an entertainment room ... all on the fifth floor. Marcus and the guys also finished building thirty-two apartments down the lake drive.

There were twenty-one families in all by the end of April and all of them were situated comfortably in their own apartments. Two Royals stayed for a little while along with four council members, but eventually went back home to their own fortified estates. They, too, had made room to house their people who searched for safe shelter as the Excrucio's attacks became more and more frequent and more out in the open. 

I thought the Royals were actually going to stay with us since they knew there would be a battle soon, but they left. To me, it seemed that they didn't really care. It was as if they thought as long as the battle would be here, then they wouldn't be.

The students that were old enough to battle, practiced daily with the adults. Every once in a while we had a surprise attack exercise. The students actually liked those, but the tense faces of the parents revealed the worry for their children was evident. It made me feel guilty to see them each day. 

I felt guilty for a lot of things lately, and I couldn't change any of it. It was time for graduation and all the children were eager for classes to be done for the summer. I let Lilith and her friends have control over decorating for the end of the year dance and graduation once again. I was very tired from the daily practices and the constant phone meetings with the other Royals or council members, that I could hardly see straight. They wanted me to travel to the meetings, basically about nonsense, but I told them no. We were at war and one of the battles I knew for sure was going to be at my home. I couldn't leave everyone vulnerable.

Two days before graduation, Michael and I met each other at our favorite bungalow by the lake. We had both been so busy lately that we hadn't spent any time together. He had enlisted in helping Marcus and the rest of the men finish the apartments in case more families came. 

"Thank you, Michael," I whispered as we sat on the comfy pillows that lined the U-shaped couch.

He pulled me tightly into his side and smiled at me endearingly. The air was warming and the lake had already melted. Flowers were springing up in various locations and their colors were like candy to the eyes.

As we sat silently listening to the sounds around us, a strong feeling of déjà vu flowed over me. I tensed and my stomach rolled. I remembered this moment.

"Will you relax already?" Michael chuckled to himself and shook me gently after squeezing me tighter in his arms.  

I jumped up out of his embrace and looked up the path toward the house. I gasped with the greatest fear I'd ever known, making me want to faint, but I couldn't. I had to focus. I looked to Michael and his smile instantly vanished as he jumped to his feet. His eyes glowed and his aura began to shine.

"What?" he inhaled.

"It's time," my heart almost stopped just from those words. I phased us to the front court yard and took in the scene. Students were everywhere, going about their business, preparing for graduation.

"IT'S TIME!" I screamed. "Exitium and the Excrucio are coming. NOW!"

Everyone was startled and froze for the briefest moment. After the initial shock and seeing my serious expression, they took off running to their official zones. The younger children were ushered inside along with those that weren't fighting. 

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