Chapter 20

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"What in the world is going on here?!" Madam Pomfrey asked hysterically when she saw a tired looking Ron and Harry carrying an unresponsive Lockhart and Ginny, with the help of Fawkes.

"They need help, please!" Ron begged. "My sister, she was taken into the Chamber of Secrets but we got her out, but now she's not waking up!" he said worriedly as they led them both to beds.

Harry chewed on his lip nervously as Pomfrey looked them over with a frown. She scanned them thoroughly with a wand and Harry recognised her using the same Diagnostic Spells he used down in the chamber. They'd come back as negative for any life signs. Her face paled and she didn't say anything more, simply grabbed both their shoulders and dragged them out the door and towards the Headmaster's office.

"Wait, why are we going here?" Ron asked bewildered. "We can't possibly be in trouble!"

She shook her head quickly and still said nothing. When they eventually entered his office after saying the ridiculous "lemon drop" password, she sat them both down and demanded that they get Mr and Mrs Weasley here. Ron was confused and starting to get worried but Harry just kept his mouth shut. Dumbledore nodded and immediately called them in, knowing something must be wrong if she was this urgent.

After a couple of minutes, Mr and Mrs Weasley came in through the floo and ran to Ron, pulling him into a giant hug. They spotted Harry and squeezed him, too. He appreciated it but pushed down the guilt.

McGonagall came through the door at that moment too, as well as Snape, and suddenly Harry got a little hot, feeling overwhelmed.

"Please, tell us what's happened?" Mrs Weasley said.

"That's what I would like to know," McGonagall asked sternly.

Ron went on to explain how Lockhart was a phoney and yet he wanted to take them down the chamber anyway, to try and get some fame and experience. They had agreed with him and found their way down, but Lockhart's wand accidentally blew up a spell and it caused the roof to cave in. Ron then went on to say that he got crushed in some of the rubble and got knocked out, but Lockhart unfortunately got crushed to death and there was nothing they could do to help him.

Everyone seemed to be believing the lies they got told. Even Ron, himself, considering Harry had put the idea inside his head therefore he believes it all. He nodded and agreed with everything he said.

Harry then went on to say that he was the only one who could go on as he wasn't crushed or blocked in any way, so he went to find Ginny. He had wandered about for a long time but by the time he found her, she wasn't responding to anything he said or did. He then went on to say that Voldemort's sixteen year old self, known as Tom Riddle appeared and started taunting him and Ginny, then set a Basilisk on him and tried to kill him. 

Everyone was watching in shock and horror, McGonagall had tears in her eyes, Dumbledore looked pale, Mr and Mrs Weasley looked terrified and Snape was clenching his fists tightly in repressed anger.

"Where is Ginny?" Mrs Weasley asked worriedly. "Is she alright?"

"That's actually why I wanted to bring you all here," Pomfrey said gravely. "You better sit down."

Mr and Mrs Weasley took cautious seats and looked nervous.

"Well?" Mr Weasley asked.

"I'm afraid... The trauma and injuries that your daughter went through down in the Chamber of Secrets must have been too much for her young and fragile body," Pomfrey said in a whisper. "It breaks my heart to tell you, but she passed away. As did Lockhart."

There was silence for a moment, you could hear a pin drop, and then suddenly there was screaming.

Mr and Mrs Weasley got up out their chairs and demanded she stop lying, they started bawling their eyes out, tears streaming down their faces and hugging each other.

"P-please! Can we see h-her?" Mrs Weasley blubbered.

Pomfrey nodded and led them on the way to the infirmary, a stunned Ron following behind them, red faced and teary eyed, too. Harry winced in sympathy and couldn't bring himself to look at him out of shame.

He didn't follow after them, either.

"Mr Potter, how are you feeling?" Snape asked him after a minute of silence.

Harry gulped and shrugged.

"I'm not sure. A girl is dead, I couldn't do anything about it, right?" he tried to act like a worried little boy.

Dumbledore played the grandfatherly card. Any other time Harry would have fallen for it but now he was trying to pay attention to any tricks.

"Dear boy, of course there wasn't anything you could have done about it. Many wizards and witches much older and wiser have been hoodwinked by Voldemort."

Harry sighed and nodded. "Okay, I just feel bad for the Weasleys. I hope they'll be alright."

"We'll make sure they're as comfortable and get as much help as they can get during this terrible time," McGonagall said with a sad voice.

Harry nodded.

Snakes And The MoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora