Chapter 19

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He gasped when he saw what was inside. There were big pillars all around and in the shape of giant snakes. There were streams of water surrounding the long platform he was standing on and the eyes on the snakes were twinkling, just like the ones on the door. Then, right up ahead in front of him, there was the biggest statue of all.

It was in the shape of a man's face and he strongly suspected it to be Salazar Slytherin.

"Wow..." he whispered, looking around slowly.

'Okay, perhaps I shouldn't be too fascinated with the possible torture chamber where my friend's little sister has been taken to and is most likely dying, but come on! This place is fascinating,' he thought.

He continued to walk in further and that's when he spotted something laying on the ground. It looked like a small body and there was a mess of orange tangles on the head. Ginny.

He ran up to her and shook her, slapping her face but getting no response. "Ginny? You okay? Can you hear me? Ginny!" he said loudly.

"She won't wake," a soft voice came from somewhere behind him. He jolted and stood up quickly, looking around for the voice. He raised an eyebrow when he spotted the random teenage boy who couldn't be more than sixteen just standing against a pillar casually. He was slightly blurry somehow, but that wasn't important at the moment. Who is he and how'd he get here?

"Who are you?"

"You know who I am," the boy said with a smile. "We've talked. I showed you things, private things, remember?"

Harry frowned, but then he realised he recognised that face once he focused hard enough and got past the blurriness. "You're Tom Riddle."

"Correct. I knew you'd recognise me, Harry Potter."

"Okay," he said turning back to Ginny. "What about her? Why won't she wake? Has something happened? She's not..."

"Dead?" Riddle asked. "No, she's alive but only just."

"Why are you blurry?" he couldn't help but ask. It was bothering him not having answers. "Are you a ghost?"

Riddle smiled. "No, I'm a memory, preserved in a diary for fifty years," he said pointing to the black diary laying off to the side. Harry doesn't know how it got there but he just shrugged it off.

"Tom, I think Ginny is going to die. You've got to help me, if I don't get her some help then my friend Ron will be so mad," he sighed.

"Then why do you have friends?" Riddle asked. "If all they do is drag you down and make you do things for them? Upset you like this?"

Harry glared. "Well, I mean, it's nice to not always be alone," he said, not too sure of his own words. Truthfully, he agreed with Riddle a little bit.

Riddle sighed. "Being alone is for the best, Harry. You can accomplish so much when you're alone, don't you know?" he raised an eyebrow. "You'll have nobody leaning over your shoulder or breathing in your ear, telling you right from wrong, telling you that you can or can't do this."

Harry bit his lip in thought. That was another thing he strongly agreed with and it seemed Riddle understood that because he let out a laugh.

"Shut up," Harry snapped.

"But, you agree?" he asked. "I'd slip into your mind and figure out for myself but you have pretty good Occlumency walls, Harry," Riddle said impressed. "I dare say, as good as mine at your age."

"You're an Occlumens?" Harry asked surprised.

"And a Legillimens," he said smugly. "Jealous?"

"No, because I am too," Harry crossed his arms. "Don't get too cocky, it's not that difficult to learn."

Riddle was looking at him with wide eyes. "Actually, it is. I can't believe you didn't know that."

"Then how come I picked it up in just a matter of weeks?"

"It takes a very powerful wizard to be able to accomplish something like that in a few years.
Nevermind, just a few weeks," Riddle said with a hum. "Intriguing."

"What is?"

"You are."

Harry gaped. "Well, thank you."

Riddle sighed. "I truly would recommend my earlier statement, Harry."

"The one about being a social recluse?" he snorted. "I think my friend might take offence to that."

"Yet, where is he now?"

Harry gulped. "He, er, is back there," he said pointing to the doorway. "I had to, um..."

"Yes?" Riddle asked with a raised eyebrow.

"He found out some things about me, okay! I didn't want anyone to know, so I just took care of it," he said with a shrug. "It's not like you're going to tell anyone if you're a blurry shape."

Riddle let out an amused laugh. "If you say so, Harry. Go on, then. Tell me what you did, I promise I'll keep your secret."

"I used an Imperius on him to shift his memories, making sure that events that happened tonight have went differently."

Riddle's eyes bugged out. "But- But, that's an Unforgivable! You'll go to Azkaban!"

"Not if you have the Trace removed," he smirked.

Riddle was silent for a moment before laughing. "You crack me up, Harry. You're a lot more interesting than I originally thought."

"Again, thank you."

"What secrets could you possibly have that you would need protecting like that?" Riddle asked after he calmed down.

"I didn't want him to find out about Nessie."


"My snake, she's my familiar."

"You're- You're what?" Riddle gaped.

"Well, I had to speak Parseltongue to get down here in the first place, didn't I?" he raised an eyebrow. "Ron was there and freaked out. I had to shift his memories!"

"This is why I said no friends! They rat you out," Riddle snapped. "However, nice gift you have there, Harry. Although, you are aware that it is considered a Dark gift?"

"Considering I just used an Unforgivable on my best friend and poisoned my idiotic Defence teacher not even thirty minutes ago, I think I'm okay with this," he said flatly.

"Hold on," Riddle held up a hand and blinked rapidly. "What was that last part?"

Harry shrugged. "He was being annoying."

Everything was silent for a moment before Riddle started laughing again. Harry rolled his eyes, this guy must be crazy. How was it funny? He's being serious.

"If you're quite done," Harry muttered.

Tom stood up straight and composed himself. "Right, okay. Back on topic."

"Yeah, to Ginny. Help me with her, would you?" Harry said irritably, trying to slap her harder so she'd respond. He growled when she wouldn't wake. "Why isn't she waking?"

"Perhaps, because she was a foolish girl who opened up her heart and spilled all her desires and secrets to an invisible stranger inside a book," Riddle shrugged.

Harry eyed him confused. "What are you blabbering on about?"

Riddle glared. "Ginny Weasley has been writing in the diary, my diary for months now, telling me all her silly worries about how her brothers tease her and how she had to come to school with secondhand robes and books," he sighed then grinned. "How she didn't think the famous Harry Potter would ever like her."


"Y'know, it's very boring having to listen to the silly little troubles of an eleven year old girl," he continued. "But I was patient and I wrote back. I was sympathetic and I was kind. Ginny simply loved me," he smiled. "It was all, 'no one's ever understood me like you, Tom... I'm so glad I've got this diary to confide in... It's like having a friend I can carry around in my pocket...'"

"What else?" Harry demanded.

"I thought you were supposed to be clever, Harry," Riddle sighed.

"I am!" he yelled.

"Then keep up!" Riddle snapped back. "Ginny poured her soul into my diary and that's exactly what I needed. In return, I started pouring my own soul into her. Over time, I started to grow stronger," he smiled.

"But, why would you want to pour your soul into Ginny? What's she got to do with anything?" Harry asked confused.

"Haven't you figured it out yet, Harry? It was Ginny who opened the Chamber of Secrets!" Harry gaped and looked to her. "Of course, she didn't know she was doing it, poor thing," Riddle said with fake sympathy. "She was the one who wrote those messages on the walls and set the Basilisk on the students."

"That's why she's been looking ill..." Harry said, more to himself.

Riddle nodded. "Now you're finally understanding. Eventually, she began to get paranoid of the diary, however."

"So, she tried to throw it away in the girl's bathroom and it flooded," Harry said.

Riddle nodded with an impressed look. "Yes. Then you, of all people found it. I was beyond thrilled!" Riddle grinned. "I wanted to meet you most of all."

"Why me, exactly? What's so special about me?" Harry asked challenging him to see what he knew.

"Don't say that, you're most interesting, from what Ginny has told me," he said looking at Harry's forehead to where his scar would be, had it not been covered by his now long grown hair.

"And what was that exactly? People say lots of things. Some of it true, lots of it a load of rubbish," Harry spat.

Riddle tutted. "I understand. She told me about your fascinating history with a powerful wizard. It is most intriguing, if I must say," he grinned. "So, I decided you were worth my time and showed you my special hideout."

He was obviously referring to the chamber. Harry had to admit though, it did make a pretty good hideout to get away from people. He'd love to use this.

"I also wanted to show you the capture of the oaf, himself."

"You mean Hagrid." Riddle nodded and Harry scoffed. "Hagrid is one of my friends and you framed him."

"Please!" Riddle yelled self defensively. "He had it coming. I was a perfect student and he was a menace who was hiding horrid beasts in the school. He deserved to get kicked out, it was my word against his."

"Horrid beasts?" Harry glared. "What about your Basilisk? It can kill people with just a look."

"Relax, Harry. The Basilisk can only come when it's called, which so far has been the case. It's always been under commands. It won't roam free like any of those monsters the oaf had," Riddle spat.

Harry ignored the insulting words he was using, Riddle didn't know he was a werewolf and he didn't plan on telling him, worried about his reaction. Perhaps he'd change his wonderful opinion on him and try to kill him.

"Hagrid is a hazard. He should stay locked up in prison, you don't need to surround yourself with him. He's not worth your time or effort, he'll get you dragged into trouble!" Riddle spat. "I'm trying to help you here, appreciate it."

"Oh really? Fancy warning me about anyone else in particular then?" Harry asked sarcastically.

He didn't expect an answer but got one anyway. "Yes, actually," Riddle raised his eyebrows. "The Headmaster. You think you know him but you don't."

"Dumbledore is the greatest wizard in the world, that's what everyone says," Harry told him.

"Yet, they're blinded by his silly achievements. So what if he fought a dark wizard named Grindlewald all those years ago? That doesn't automatically make him a good man! He's manipulative and a liar. The sooner you realise that, the better," Riddle said with narrowed eyes.

"How so? What bad things has he ever done?" Harry challenged again, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow.

Riddle just laughed at him, as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing. How ironic.

"Didn't he place a valuable artefact in this very school last year? And it was supposed to be surrounded by enchantments that were impossible to break, yet eleven year olds easily figured it out. Not to mention the fact that Dumbledore was coincidentally gone at the exact same time you decided to go after this artefact, and the teachers didn't bother to help. Almost as if they all wanted you to go risk your life like that," Riddle told him seriously.


"And the Gringotts breakout happened on your birthday, did it not? When you were out with Hagrid? We now know it was him. Funny that. Gringotts could have easily kept the Philosopher's Stone in another hidden vault buried deep within where nobody would find it, or Nicholas Flamel could have kept it with him at all times under a strong Fidelius Charm. But no, you had to be there when it was stolen and know all about it," Riddle said with a grin. "Plus, the fact that your teacher was waiting for you down in the chamber, ready to kill you."

Harry's mind was racing fast. "You're not saying that he... Orchestrated the whole thing, are you? That's crazy!" he gasped.

"Well, so is Dumbledore and his Blubber and Tweak nonsense," Riddle rolled his eyes. "I only say this to keep you informed. You may be pretty valuable."

"For what? To who?!" Harry screamed. Everything Riddle had just said began to make some small amount of sense.

Secretly, he did have a bit of concerns over the past couple of years when it came to Dumbledore. He had wondered what his intentions were and why he never stepped up to help when he needed it. It always bugged him to never have answer either, especially when he was in the hospital wing his first year after getting away from Quirrell and Dumbledore withheld personal information from him.

He has a right to know things about himself but told him he wasn't ready. He acted like he was okay with it but really he was furious. The only teacher who hasn't withheld anything from him when he's asked or judged him for something was Snape. He knows he can trust the man, and for that he's grateful.

Riddle began to talk again, pulling him out of his rapid thoughts.

"My dear Harry, you can be incredibly valuable to the Wizarding World. And most of all... To me," he smiled.

"What?" Harry frowned. "What are you talking about? Are you just talking a whole bunch of rubbish?" Harry sighed.

Riddle glared at him before continuing. "Let me ask you this. How is it that merely a tiny baby with absolutely no magical powers yet could take down the greatest wizard of all time and survive with nothing more than a scar?"

"I don't care, so why should you? Voldemort was after your time, wasn't he?"

Riddle shook his head. "No. Voldemort is my past, present and future. Look."

He then leaned forward and grabbed Ginny's wand from her pocket and wrote in the air,


He flicked the wand then the letters rearranged themselves to spell,


"See now?" Riddle asked.

"It's you. You're the Heir of Slytherin," Harry whispered.

"Yes," Riddle- No, Voldemort said. "I wasn't going to keep my filthy muggle father's name forever, so I fashioned myself a new name. One that I knew wizards all over would learn to fear when I became the greatest sorcerer in the world!" he said with glee.

"That's a pretty big ambition," Harry said sarcastically. "What makes you think you can achieve it?"

"Are you daring to question my strength as a wizard?" Voldemort snapped. "I'll have you know, I have many more years of training than you do!"

Harry snorted. "Be that as it may, you're still just a memory and I am also something you're not," Harry grinned. "A werewolf," he said, no longer caring about his opinion.

"A- What?" Voldemort stuttered, taking a step back.

"How do you think I got these facial scars? I will easily bite you right now and turn you into the very thing you despise," Harry threatened, taking a step towards him.

"You stay away from me!" Voldemort snapped. "Just when I was going to offer you a position in my ranks!"

"Why would you do that?" Harry scoffed.

"You're an awful lot like me as a child, Harry. Both orphans, both lonely, both half-bloods, both interested in the Dark Arts, both Parselmouths, we even look the same with our thin frames, pale skin and dark hair. Anyone would think we're brothers," he smirked.

Harry hated to admit it but he was absolutely right. The resemblance was uncanny.

"All you have to do is wear a Slytherin uniform and you're all set," Voldemort said.

Harry smirked sarcastically. "I'm supposed to be a Slytherin." Voldemort's eyes went wide. "The Hat gave me a choice and I chose Gryffindor."

"Why? You stupid child?" Voldemort gasped. "It is the greatest of the Hogwarts Houses."

"I'm aware of the potential I would have in there," Harry snapped. "However, there is a Malfoy in my year in that House. I am confident I'd kill him in his sleep if we shared a dorm and I didn't want to go to Azkaban for murder," Harry glared. "That's my self preservation for you. Purely Slytherin."

Voldemort let out a chuckle and hummed. "Quite right. Although, I'm sure if you made it look like an accident..."

"That sounds like a good idea," Harry smiled. "How about I try that with you," he said, finally getting back on track with killing this maniac.

"What?!" Voldemort screeched at him in outrage.

Harry whipped out his wand and started firing nasty Curses he'd read about in his books, shocking Voldemort at first as he clearly was out of practice and must not have expected this level of anger and expertise from a twelve year old. The fool was wrong to underestimate him.

'Oh, it feels good to finally be able to let loose and fire all those spells I read about!' he cheered inside his head.

Voldemort tried hexing and Cursing him back but his weren't as good considering he was still a bit blurry and he was using a wand that wasn't his, therefore it was refusing to cooperate properly. Harry grinned smugly. This guy calls himself the greatest wizard of all time? How pathetic.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise coming from the other end of the chamber. It was a horrid screeching noise, drilling right into Harry's head, through his eardrums and Harry covered his ears, wincing. "What the-"

Voldemort glared at what appeared to be Fawkes, who flew in through the chamber doors and landed on the ground in front of Harry, holding the old raggedy Sorting Hat.

"Fawkes? Why did you screech like that?" he asked confused.

Voldemort looked at him confused.

"I may not be the biggest fan of this daft old songbird but even I can tell you, it made no screeching noise. If I was a nicer person, I'd admit that it actually sounded pleasant, but I'm just going to say that Dumbledore is as batty as I always thought," he scoffed. "This is what he sends you? A bird and a piece of fabric?" he laughed.

Harry was hardly paying attention to what Voldemort was saying about Dumbledore. He was still confused about Fawkes.

'I thought Phoenix songs were supposed to sound pleasant and give you a calming feeling?' he thought confused and a little concerned. 'That was absolutely horrible! I never want to hear that again, no offence Fawkes... Even Voldemort practically admitted that it sounded nice. So, why does it not sound good for me? I need to research this, as soon as possible!'

Harry tuned back in when Voldemort began his idiotic ramblings again.

"Now, Harry. Let's see what a young school boy has against the powers of Lord Voldemort, Heir of Salazar Slytherin!" he spoke confidently.

Harry sighed at his dramatics. What did he plan on doing? Writing some new sparkly words?

"Speak to me, Slytherin, greatest of the Hogwarts Four!" Voldemort hissed in Parseltongue, but Harry was able to translate it perfectly. He was wondering who he could possibly be talking to, how could Slytherin himself be here? Unless it was his portrait?

Then he saw it. The statue of his face began to shift. His mouth began to open and it created a big tunnel. Then Harry heard a distant hissing noise, shut his eyes quickly and backed up against the stone wall.

He wanted to try to reason with the snake that he knew was approaching, he had enough experience with serpents after dealing with them for all these years, but he just knew that the Basilisk wouldn't listen to him no matter how much he'd beg, as he wasn't the Heir, therefore he was unimportant.

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