Date in a library!

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Bag on my shoulder, earphones and phone in place, I walked out of the house. Walking the usual path, viewing the familiar streets and shops, I hopped on the puddle with the rhythm of the song. My flicks danced on my head, glancing on the shop window, I smiled at the reflection. Bouncing over the steps, I reached the cafe cum library. Waving at the librarian, I went to select a book. Moving my hand, fingers touching the books lightly, skimming through them,I come across a book. Looking at the picture and reading the cover, it intrigued me to read further. Books often do that to me, talking only half a sentence leaving me clueless and being the bookworm I am, I smiled at the cover and chose a table to sit in peace. Halfway to the first page, a light reflected on my book through the window on my left. I noticed the reflection of a small circle, maybe a watch, moving over the title of the book, as if the source wanted to know what the book was about. With the movement, rose my anger, I flicked my hair and looked at the intruder. There was a boy across the window, his eyes read the title and he smiled in satisfaction. Little did he know, he would pay for this interruption. His eyes met my gaze. I raised my eyebrow, he smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. He gestured asking to come inside. I huffed, watching him come towards me.

He said, " Hi, I am Jack. Sorry to disturb you, but the book just caught my attention and I had to read the title".

"Hello, I am Riya. It's okay. It seems the book piqued your interest too".

" It certainly did, and even the reader".

"Did I?" I asked narrowing my eyes.

He laughed, " You are beautiful though. What do you say, I buy you a coffee and let's discuss our favourite book?"

"Oh! Trying a new way of picking girls, are we?" I asked still not trusting.

"No, don't get me wrong. It's just we share the same interest and so I wanted to have a healthy discussion".

" We will see, but first answer me, vampire or werewolf?"

"Werewolf, of course, they are the strongest".

" You did not just say that! Vampires are the best."

"I don't feel bloodsucking appealing".

" Argh! Coffee or tea?"


" Fine, one common thing. You can sit if you promise not to insult vampires".

"Thank you so much, but I would love to know why vampire?"

"Super powers, duh! You could read anyone's mind and fall in love".

" Oh,so you like reading minds. But, werewolves have soulmates for eternity".

"So do vampires, that is a common part. At Least they don't turn into hairy wolves".

He laughed at my answer and said, " Is it possible to fall for someone on first date?"

"Hey, who said this is a date?"

"Who said it was you?" He challenged.

My cheeks turned red and I looked down at my coffee mug.

"I was kidding. But you truly are very beautiful and I would like to know you, because the book's mystery doesn't hold a torch to your mystery", he said.

" Okay?" I smiled nervously and didn't know what to say.

"So, not trying to be a vampire, but I think you would go out with me". He stated.

" Yes, you read it right", I said.

Date in a libraryWhere stories live. Discover now