Morning Meetings and Dead People Tea

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Beau woke up to her door slamming open and the loud cheerful voice of Jester saying something about cinnamon. Beau slowly sat up from her bed and looked towards the intruding tiefling.

"Jess I thought we talked about this, I don't eat as much cinnamon as you do," Beau said her voice still groggy from sleep. Jester's only reply was dragging Beau towards the dining hall. Beau was still in her travel clothing so she didn't have to worry about getting dressed as Jester dragged her. Once they entered the dining hall Beau was greeted by the rest of the Misrule and a firbolg with grey fur, a tail similar to that of a cow's the tip of his tail was pink as well as his eyes and hair. His hair was a long mohawk that appeared to have lycan growing within it.

The firbolg was roughly seven foot tall and was rather lanky.

"Hello, you must be Beauregard I'm Caduceus Clay," said the firbolg his voice was very deep yet soothing and calm. Caduceus pulled a chair out for Beau and grabbed a plate and teacup for her.

Cad looked at Beau and asked,"What type of tea do you like Miss.Beauregard?"

"Sorry Mr.Clay I'm not really a tea person, but thank you," Beau responded. Beau sat down and started eating as an awkward silence filled the room. After a few minutes Caleb walked into the room. his hair was in disarray clothing wrinkled and dark circles under his eyes.

"Hallo Cad, warte Cad wann sind Sie hierher gekommen?" Caleb said in a quiet confused voice as he yawned.

"Oh hello Mr.Caleb I got here two hours ago, would you like some tea?" Said Caduceus as he grabbed another teacup. Caleb nodded and sat down in a chair away from the Misrule. The Misrule except Beau had all finished their breakfast and started talking about what they could do to help clean battlefields and replant seeds of trust among the Kryn and Dwindalian people.

Caleb finished eating and was about to leave when Caduceus stopped him gestured towards the Misrule and before letting go said, "This is a good garden Caleb, lots of manure, but a good garden to plant seeds." Caleb gave Caduceus a quick nod before retreating to his quarters. Caduceus had gotten dragged into a debate about whether weasels made good pets or not by Jester around the time Caleb returned. Caleb had changed into a grey tunic and pants with a coat similar to the one he had worn previously except the flames within the coat were shades of blue. Essek followed close behind Caleb, he was wearing a black robe that covered his other clothing and an elegant silver mantelpiece that reflected the light beautifully.

Both Caleb and Essek carried maps and books as well as compasses and other materials with the use of levitation. Yasha quietly shifted over to them and helped Essek place some things on the table. Once all of the maps were placed on the table Caleb quickly set out weights on the corners of the maps and handed each of the Misrule a stack of parchment each slightly varying in height.

"The first twenty pages are just formalities added by both the Kyrn Dynasty and the Dwindalian Empire. You only really have to worry about the other pages that I added to make sure I don't say or do anything that you would find insulting or insensitive." Caleb said his voice was quiet and his accent was thicker than it was the day before.

Fjord spoke with a hint of confidence, "Thank you, but why do we need to do paperwork?"

Beau replied jokingly before Essek or Caleb could, "We have to do paperwork to keep the Bureaucratic Elder Gods from destroying Exandria." This received chuckles from Nott, Beau, and Yasha while Jester started Laughing uncontrollably.

"Actually the only reason you have to do paperwork is because I have horrible social skills and both governments want a written agreement that we won't kill each other." Caleb said as he snapped Frumpkin into existence to calm down Jester.

Essek quickly added,"If you end up killing each other we would most likely go to war again and neither countries can afford for that to happen. So I would suggest getting to know each other because you will be stuck together for roughly two years or until the current leaders die." The Misrule quickly went through the paperwork. Caleb started explaining what they were meant to do. The conversation dragged on for half an hour before Essek just told them that they were mercenaries for both Xhorhas and The Empire. Jester started suggesting names for them Such as The Mighty Hamstercorns and everyone else suggested equally as ridiculous names.

Jester turned to Caleb and asked,"Do you have any name suggestions Cayyyleb?"

Caleb simply replied, "Nein" without looking up from the papers he was working on.

"Your brilliant, how about the Mighty Nein as our new name?" Jester said in a cheerful tone looking towards the Misrule. The Misrule Caduceus and Nott all looking tired of Jester agreed and Jester started writing in her sketchbook.

"We should get going on our mission A.S.A.P. if we want to get there in time," Beau said. She wanted to get out of the city quickly. Caleb nodded in agreement and cleaned the table off. The books and maps were teleported back to the library while Caleb put the papers in a bag of holding at his side. Caleb tossed a small chest about an inch in height and grey in coloration to Beau.

Beau seemed to know what it was and carefully caught it and placed it in her pocket that didn't have a hole in it.

"I am going to assume you didn't unpack, so meet here in five minutes." Nott said before pelting towards her room. Caleb walked out of the room as he gave Essek an apologetic look. Exactly five minutes later Caleb and Nott met up with the group once known as the Misrule.

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