Chapter 2

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"July 18, 2016, early morning.

Under Rhein's advice, I gave up the temporary inspection of the merman. According to the known records, merman, like dolphins, belong to the intelligent mammals, this creature may take an extreme way to fight without effective security measures to capture and captivity. For example, suicide.

This merman is too precious. I must not allow its life to be in any danger.

Even if I have to risk my life."

I wrote in my diary. My determination was as strong as my sharp ink mark. But my mind seemed to still fetters in the merman's dark eyes, a trace of cold still remained in my back, lingering.

"Before daybreak today, I'm going to start a tame program, just as deal with wild dolphins. Although it's impossible to say exactly how intelligent a merman is now, I'd like to try and communicate with it, hoping it'll let guard down on me --"

Dong dong dong --

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Desharow?"

It was Rhein's voice. I closed the diary quickly and tucked it in the gap of the bed so he wouldn't notice. If Rhein found out about this plan, he would definitely stop me. Rhein had always believed that merman were naturally bloodthirsty creatures, as wild and untamable as sharks, and could only be kept under closed observation. Rhein was my mentor, far better at the study of occult biology than I was, and I couldn't persuade him to give up.

As soon as my diary was hidden, Rhein pushed the door open. I threw myself back on the bed, squinted at him as he approached, closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep.

He bent over, and his shadow covered me. "Don't pretend to be asleep. I heard you go to bed."

I closed eyes to ignore him, smacked lips to pretend that I was in my dreamland. He seemed to be quite patient to wait for a while, then grabbed my injured hand. I was wondering what he was going to do, then felt a chill in my finger, a burning pain hit me. I almost ran out of bed with a cry, opening eyes to see this guy holding an alcohol wipe!

"Damn it, you mean to kill me?"

I grinned at him, but my arm was being held tight. Rhein didn't look at me, his eyes were smirking, he slowly rubbed my wound. I grounded my teeth, pretending to be not care, but sweat came out of my forehead. Rhein liked to play tricks on me. It's one of his greatest pleasures on a long, boring sea voyage.

Moodiness, perversion.

I fiercely complained in my heart. The alcohol wipe was removed only when I could not take it anymore. I breathed a sigh of relief, leaning on the bed board. Rrein still hold my hand, instead of letting me go, he grabbed me closer to him. His lips almost touch my nose, he threatened in a low voice: "Don't venture to be near the merman behind my back. Desharow, you are being rebelling again, don't you? I saw your expressions today. "

I was caught off guard. The heavy smell of his cigar invaded my nose, even slowed my breathing: "I did not! I know how aggressive the merman can be. Well, I'm a person so afraid of pain and death --"

I waved my pinched hand in his, looking at him with a face of sincere fear, but the guilty almost ran down my throat.

Rhein's Adam's apple moved before my eyes disdainfully. He snorted: "You... Fear of death, Desharow, the fucking adventurer?"

I nodded hurriedly.

My hand was released, I breathed a sigh of relief, but my back was held by his other hand, he put me against the wall since he was stronger than me. For a moment I thought he was going to strangle me, but he just lowered his head and breathed in the back of my ear. "Desharow, if I catch you do anything stupid, I will rape you. It was I who hired the sailors on the ship ... "

And I thought, oh my god, this is getting funnier.

Rhein said whatever he wants to say, and the sailors were fond of coarse jest, and I had been used to it for months, like a rascal. How could I be afraid of this ridiculous joke?

I raised my head slightly, challenged the tip of his nose, opened my lips, and coolly and playfully reasoned, "Will I be able to study that merman when you raped me? If so, as you please, then."

He was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting me to respond with such a ridiculous statement. As if he was angry, the hand on my back suddenly increased the strength, actually straight to my caudal vertebra, and pulled off my belt. I thought he was joking, and after a couple of slouchy posturing, his crotch bumped into mine.

My body froze in an instant.

The thing of Rhine was standing squarely against me.

Damn it, my tutor and partner was gay and was sexually aroused towards me, his student!

Thinking of months of hooking up with him, I jumped out of bed, hit my head on the railing, stepped back, and raised three fingers to the sky in a pale voice: "Oh, oh, I swear to god I will not touch that merman behind your back!"

Rhein's hands parted, lazily propped him on the bed. He raised his eyes and stared at me questioningly, his long legs pointing apart, not to hide a bulging erection between the hips of his jeans.

I scratched my burning cheeks and squeezed a joke between my teeth to ease my embarrassment: "Nice, bigger than mine."

Rhein looked down. The shadow of his bangs crossed his lips in a scary arc. A creepy fear straight up from the bottom of my feet, I resist the impulse to kick open the door to flee, watching him slowly stood up from my bed and finally went out.

Rhein, for the most part, thought that the threat had been successful and did not continue to harass me. But I was an atheist. I never believed in any religion. Swearing was just a pose.

That night, I stayed up all night, waiting for the moment when the ship was still, when even the watchmen would nod off. I grabbed the glow sticks and the little equipment I could use.

Such as small echo detectors and underwater DV. I have successfully communicated with many different species, so it is clear to me that these were my essential aids.

Most important, however, is the communicator's own experience with the creatures.

It was 2:11 a.m., man's most weary hour. I looked at my digital watch and, like a nimble meerkat, hid in the darkness. After ducking out of sight of the ship's observatory, I successfully arrived at the bottom of the ship without wasting much time.

When I opened the door at the end of the bilge, I caught sight of the cylindrical glass jars glowing green in the darkness. I lifted the glow sticks and searched through the clumps of artificial waterweeds for the long, curvy shape. The merman was floating quietly at the top of the column. I could see its lowered, sharp-edged face in the flowing hair, just like a silent ghost in the night sky, which would fall down and take away my soul at any moment.

I took a deep breath, struggled to control the rising adrenaline and went slowly up the spiral staircase around the cylinder, my heart was still pounding wildly.

Desharow Merman/德萨罗人鱼 by 深海先生 (English TL)Where stories live. Discover now