Is she serious?

I stared at her, I tried so hard to read her mind to see if they were trying to trick me.

I hope she agrees, if she doesn't then I don't know what else we could do to find Ko.

"Deal?", she questioned.

I let out a sigh, "alright fine", I said as I rolled my eyes.

"No tricks?", Rad questioned.

"Can't believe I'm doing this", I mumbled to myself, "No tricks", I told them.

They looked at each other and nodded, then they started uniting me.

Once I'm free I stood up and started stretching.

Oh just how long have I been sitting there?

I turned and looked at Rad and Enid, I punched them both in their stomachs, and they both started groaning in pain.

"You said you weren't gonna hurt us!!", Rad cried.

"Yeah, but that wasn't part of the deal, was it?", I said as I smiled evilly.

I took out my phone and I texted Fink.

Y/n: Hey!
Y/n: I have something I need to do
Y/n: Can you cover up for me??
Fink: 👍🏻

"So what's the plan?", I asked, and they both looked at me confused.

"Plan?", Enid questioned as she raised an eyebrow.

Are they idiots?

"Um..yeah? How are you planning to find Ko?", I asked.

"Ahh hehe...we were'd give us one?", she said as she put a hand behind her head and laughed nervously.

"Alright, when was the last time you saw him", I asked, even though I know where was he the last time.

"Tko was in control, and he headed to the forest", Rad said.

"Yeah but we went to the forest looking after him, and we didn't find him", Enid added.

"Hmmm", I started to think.

"Can't you use some of your powers?", Enid said.

"It's really not that easy, but I could try", I said.

Rad and Enid smiled at me and looked at me with hope.

"I'll need to get my book first", I said.

"Book?", Enid questioned, and they looked at me with confused look.

Ugh here we go again..


~ Skip Time ~

After a lot of explaining about how my powers are difficult and why I need my book, I took Rad and Enid's phone numbers to be in touch with them, and then I went back to BoxMore.

I took my book and went to the training room.

Maybe something will help me here.

I sat down and opened the book, I kept flipping the papers to find something useful.

I then stopped on my great grandma's page, and her powers were seeing the future..

Could this help?

My great grandma (G/g/n), she was a wise woman, she always knew what's coming and waiting for her, she knew what to say and what to do.
This gifted power was nothing but a curse to her, she always knew what's going to happen, which caused her lose excitement and and the desire to live.
Her only regret was seeing her own future.

Yeesh, I can't imagine myself like that! No surprise parties, spoiled movies, no excitement!'ll be cool if I knew my exams answers! And I could avoid all the attacks! And I can't mistake anything because I'll know what I should do!

Hmmm I should only use this power in times of need, and I should be careful, I don't want to know how am I going to die.

I started reading how to control this power, and it's says I should focus on the time I want to know or something specific, and it's important to clear my mind.

I took a deep breath and started focusing on tomorrow, I don't want to go too far.



"You think it's funny?!"

I saw myself talking to...Tko!!

"Relax scrub, I'm fine"

I couldn't go further, even though I tried so hard to see what's going to happen.

I let out a sigh, "welp, I guess that's enough, we know now he's fine and gonna show up tomorrow", I said to myself as I started messaging Rad and Enid.

Y/n: Tko will show up tomorrow
Rad: Whaaaat 0o0?
Enid: how do you know that??

Forbidden Love (Ko X Reader X Tko)Where stories live. Discover now