Chapter 18: Final Straw

Depuis le début

“Why didn’t you guys tell me I was having twins three weeks ago?” I questioned.

“Well, sometimes, one baby will hide behind the other one. This is very common, “Rachel said.

“So I’m having twins” I said tearing up.

“Yes, would you like to know the sexes, or would you like to be surprised?” Rachel asked.

“I think I want to wait,” I said, wiping the tears off my face.

“Would you like me to print the sonogram pictures?” Rachel asked.

“Yes, can you please print three out?” I asked.

“Sure.” Rachel said. She then began wiping the cold gel off my belly.

“Okay, I will be back with the printed pictures.” She said, leaving.

Office Parking lot:

I was sitting in my car, looking at my sonogram photos. I can’t believe that I’m already 20 weeks pregnant. Can you believe that in 20 more weeks,  I will finally get to see my twins. Wow, I’m going to be a mother soon. Who would’ve thought that?  I think that’s its only right for me to tell Ethan.

         I got out of my car, and wobbled to the door. I swiped my card, to open the door. When the door opened, I walked in, and then wobbled to the elevator.


First I walked to Alfie’s office.

“Hey Alfie,” I said.

“Hey girl, how are you? How is my niece or nephew? “Alfie asked.

“I’m good, and your nieces or nephews, are doing great.” I said, it took Alfie a little while to catch on to the plurals.

“Um, did you just put an S’s on the nephew and niece?” Alfie asked in a confused face.

I just nodded. He put his hand up to his face, and covered his mouth.

“Alfie, I bought you a sonogram photo,” I said, handing Alfie a photo.

“Omg boo, you’re having twins!!!” Alfie shouted.

“Shh Alfie,” I said.

“Oh shit, I hope no one heard me.” Alfie said, smiling.

“Me too,” I replied.

“So, are you going to tell the padre? Or not?” Alfie asked. 

“Well, actually I’m on my way right now.” I said.

“Okay, well see you around.” Alfie said, hugging me.

“We should go shopping this week.”

“I’m down, just call me. Can I bring Todd?” Alfie asked.

“Sure, bye” I said, and then I started walking to Ethan’s office.


Outside Ethan’s Office

I was standing outside of Ethan’s office door; I’m really nervous right now.

         What if he fires me, what if he tells me, I’m a slut and I don’t know who the real daddy is.  What if he tells me that he would help me, if he said that, I would be so happy, and amazed.

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