Chapter 3 - Violence Ensues, At Least The Kids Are Okay

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From both their phones came Ritsu's voice, announcing that this long match of Cops-And-Robbers has ended. The mint head came to a halt, and the tomboy turned around to face her friend who gave a look of exasperated defeat.

"Aw man, guess I'll have to try again next time, eh?" Aura said, grinning ear to ear at the thought of Kaitlyn in a frilly dress.

"Good luck at that, Little Missy! You didn't catch me for hundreds of years, who said you could catch me now, hmm?" Brown eyes arched in amusement, staring down at the small 12 year old.

"...Fair point, you win."

Well, if we were to go more seriously and not see this as a game, I think we could catch her pretty quickly.

'You mean, with the intent to kill, or not?'

Nobody said anything about killing, sis. And of course, we aren't going to kill Kaitlyn. You've been getting more and more crazy lately, don't think I haven't noticed.

'Bleh. Deal with it, haha! 😈'

...Since when did you start using emojis? And how the hell did you project it through your thoughts? I have so many questions.


"So you mean that Kai-Sensei will be late today and she doesn't think she can come for the lessons?"

"Yep. That's what she told me," Aura said, glancing back at the students. "Unfortunately, I can't draw, so... I can only fill in for Homec."

'Kai-chan went out again, huh... I hope she doesn't leave for too long like last time, the class would be worried again. Then again, I suppose if anything happens, Aura-san would probably know and she would tell us.' Koro-Sensei thought.

~Nagisa's POV~

'I wonder what kind of relationship Kai-Sensei and Aura-Sensei truly have... They seem a lot more than friends...'

"Alright then, now that I've told you what I needed to, it's time for homeroom, take care, Koro-yaki! Hope the students manage to get a bullet inside you today~!" Aura-Sensei said with a cheery tone and a cat-like expression on her face before leaving the classroom. Sometimes she just looks... weird... Like there's something she's hiding constantly.

Aura-Sensei looks back into the classroom one more time, and for a second, I swear that I saw red in those eyes of hers. Wasn't Aura-Sensei's eyes usually blue? A deep blue, too. Then again, I might just be imagining things... I picked up my gun and got ready for attendance checking.

~Girl Aura's POV~

'Ugh, damn those headaches... This is going to be a long ride, sis, you better manage to get that thing away from us, or we'll both be screwed.'

I know, I know... It's gone for now, let me switch back before anyone notices. I'll handle those headaches, don't worry.

I felt my surroundings set in, and my senses return. Looks like brother had already settled in the staff room.

You know, I sometimes worry about you, sis... How the hell are you like-

Irina walked in right before he was about to finish, giving me a slight scare since to me, she popped out of nowhere.

"Aura-chan~! Would you be so kind to tell me where Kai-chan is? You said she went somewhere, but where exactly is it?" She asked, giving me those sparkly eyes.

"Ah... I'm sorry, Irina-onee-sama, Kaitlyn said not to tell anybody and keep her whereabouts a secret. I'm afraid I can't reveal a single thing, not even to you." I said, a small smile on my face.

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⏰ Última atualização: Nov 10, 2021 ⏰

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Note Worthy Tales: The Assistant Teacher [An Assassination Classroom Fanfic]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora