mat x foxy (a dragon)

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    Skeijhir watched her son, Foxy, run out the door and to his school. He was finally going to confess today to the school's bad boy and hottest male, Mat. His heart was racing in anticipation, he knew that girls who've tried to confess have had their hearts broken, and Foxy thought he was prepared. Maybe he's gay! Only girls have confessed so far... maybe it'll work... Foxy thought. Once he arrived at the school he took out a letter from his pocket and slid it into Mat's locker and scurried away. Little did he know, Mat was behind him, watching what he did. Mat opened up his locker excitedly and took out the letter, tearing it open to read the contents.

Hey there! You don't know who I am yet but you can call me your secret admirer. 

I've watched you only from a distance and wanted to tell you how I feel personally, 

so please meet me at the front of the school at the end of the day! -The one and only. :)

   He didn't know why, but the smiley face at the end made his heart flutter, maybe, just maybe this would be different. 

The rest of the day was uneventful, with some kid getting beat up by Mat, girls fawning over him, cat fights, etc. When it came around to lunch though, instead of sitting all alone as usual, Mat sat by Foxy. He didn't sit in front of him, more on the opposite side and diagonally from him. Foxy felt his heart flutter as Mat glanced at him. He didn't show any emotion but the few seconds of eye contact they shared was enough. Foxy finished his sandwich rather quickly so he could escape and go get a breath of fresh air. Mat watched Foxy's nervous fidgeting as he left the cafeteria, chuckling as he did so.

   The rest of the day passed, and it was finally time. Foxy walked to the front of the school, where he saw Mat waiting with the letter in his hand. His footsteps faltered a little as he got closer and closer, before finally he cleared his throat, getting Mat's attention. "Hey, uh, I'm the one who wrote that letter, and just wanted to tell you..." Foxy looked up at Mat, who was about a foot taller than him, and continued. "I really like you, and I always have. Ever since you saved me from those bullies in kindergarten I tried to get your attention to be your friend, but you never even glanced at me, it made me sad, but... it made me realize how much I like you, how much I long to be with you..." he finished, looking down and muttering a bit at the end. 

Silence. There was nothing but silence for a few minutes, before Mat took Foxy's hands, causing his head to shoot up. He grabbed his chin and leaned in, before passionately kissing his lips. "I've always liked you Foxy, I just didn't know how to approach you. I'm glad you feel the same." Mat smiled warmly at Foxy as Foxy's face was covered in a deep red. He smiled widely as Mat walked Foxy home, holding his hand the whole way through.


When Foxy got home with his now boyfriend his mother, Skeijhir, was confused. "Lil' skinny dick just a few hours ago you were lonely and now you bring a man home? Damn, kids these days do be wacky doe..." she said with a pensive face. After a lot of introducing and embarrassing baby pictures Skeijhir finally approved, after meeting Mat's parents of course.

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