Chapter 3 ~ The Seven Synchronicity

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January 3rd, 2019

        "It's these damn numbers, man," I said to Dom, a fellow coworker from Wendy's whom I was giving a ride to work that day, making reference to the increase of repeating numbers (repeatos, as I now like to call them) I had been noticing in my reality. "It's like they're following me or something. I feel like I'm going insane."

        "Have you ever seen the movie 'The Number 23' with Jim Carrey?" he asked me. I shook my head no, implying that I had not seen such a movie, or ever even heard of it. "I think you'd get a kick out of it."

        So that very night, I went home and watched 'The Number 23' with my family, seeing what this whole thing was about.

        Dom was correct: I definitely got a kick out of it.

        A little bit more than a kick, I'd say.

        As I am writing these words, I glaced to my clock and date at the bottom right hand corner of my laptop, and the date reads 2/23/2020, and the time is 4:23 PM. Yet another synchronicity that perfectly encompasses the idea I am trying to get across here.

        You can choose to or not to believe me. The choice is yours.

        But I would never lie to you people.

        The plot of the movie revolves around Jim Carrey's character Walter Sparrow, who stumbles across a book entitled 'The Number 23' and he soons begins to draw uncanny connections between himself and the main character of the book. The book's main character is enamored with the number 23, finding it in every aspect of his life. He cannot escape the number 23; it is in everything that he is. Water soon begins to realize the same truth about himself. His name, his birthday, his address, his favorite color even, all of it somehow comes back to the number 23, and it soon begins to drive him mad with obsession for it, as it seems to follow him everywhere.

        I loved the movie.

        Two days after I watched 'The Number 23', on the seventh day of the week, I received an anonymous note on the windshield of my car that read: Insanity.

        The very next day, I continued to watch 'YOU. Rewatched it, actually. I began to see a number pop up over and over throughout the show. The number was 7. I kept seeing it on house addresses featured in the show, and the number seemed to keep coming up in the show's dialogue. I was intrigued by this number, as it is my life path number and my favorite on the numeric scale.

        January 7th, 2019

        I clocked in for my evening shift at Wendy's that night, and low and behold, I was on the front counter.  While I was begrudgingly working the time away through my shift, I was wiping down some trays and all of a sudden, the thought of the number 7 popped into my mind. I realized how much I had been noticing it.

        Maybe this is all in my head, I thought. Maybe I let that movie get to me and I really am crazy. Maybe I'm the one who put that note on my car then forgot about it and I actually am going insane. Maybe I'm making all of this up.

        And the more and more I thought, the more and more I realized that there was no way I could be making this up. Some people just don't notice the numbers. Why was I the only one who seemed to notice them following me? Weren't they following everyone else too?

        I was driving myself crazy just by thinking about it.

        I pulled myself away from the trays that I was cleaning and felt the need to go tell someone about the sevens.

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