Chapter one- Virgil?

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"Virgil!" Patton yelled in distress, a smoke crashed in the room, They all screamed. Expect for Virgil of course

"What?" Virgil asked in a annoyed tone as he looked around for Thomas, he stared at him, dull eyes. Thomas chuckled as Roman huffed, They had always hated Virgil, well... expect Patton and Thomas, sure Patton yelled couple of times at Virgil but it isn't as bad as the times Roman had yelled at him.

"Alright Virgil, It seemed Thomas was having.. another.. anxiety attack" Logan said as he fixed his glasses, lightly glaring at Virgil, like it was HIS fault.
"Well what shall I do? I'm anxiety after all" Virgil rolled his eyes, they should know by now it's his job to SCARE Thomas.

Plus, it wasn't that bad, he didn't need an ambulance.. like last time.

" you emo nightmare, you NEARLY killed him!" Roman hissed with venom in his voice as Virgil once again rolled his eyes, Thomas on the other hand was stressed, trying to tell them it wasn't that bad.

"Gu-" Thomas spoke but Logan interrupted, Thomas frowned, it wasn't too much of Anxiety's fault!.. right?
"Yes and no, It didn't seem to bad but it still had 20% chance that it could have killed Thomas so Anxiety" Logan said, he didn't notice he had slipped the word. Anxiety.

"Bu-" Thomas tried to speak once again but Logan interrupted once more
"Maybe try to reduce it" Logan said sternly as Thomas sighed.

"That's all?" Virgil asked, annoyed to make any comebacks. Patton and Logan looked at Virgil in confusion while Roman didn't do much, They all nodded and so Virgil left.  

Virgil put his headphones on and started listening to music,   The purple mess closed his eyes, feeling Thomas's anxiety grow, But today, Virgil didn't show up, he didn't want to DO anything today.  Virgil closed his eyes.
   "Love yourself.." Virgil mumbled, saying the same thing Patton had said to him multiple times in a row.


Virgil woke up, he groaned as he felt a light pound in his head
  "Headache.." Virgil moaned out, feeling himself trying to get out of bed was the hardest part, actually no, the walking- no. Talking was.
   "Hey my dark little son!" Patton said as he's making pancakes, Virgil stuck his tongue out, he hated eating pancakes in the morning nor night, it would always make him feel nauseous whenever he even smelled or saw it.

"Hey dad.." Virgil huffed as he sat down, he didn't want to complain about the food so he stayed quiet, and when the pancakes came in he only ate a third of it, he already felt nauseous, he flinched
   "I'm going to the restroom, tell Thomas I said hi" Virgil said in his same annoyed manner, Logic hummed in response while Patton looked worried.
  "Whatever emo nightmare.." Roman mumbled as he took another bit of the delicious pancake that Patton had made.

Virgil quickly went to the bathroom, gasping, he groaned, feeling another headache rise up.
    "Can this day get any worse Lady Luck?" Virgil asked as he huffed once more, he was kneeling in front of the toilet, just in case he threw up like last time.

Time passed by and Virgil felt better, the anxiety washed his hands and went into his room, he scrolled through his phone.. that was.. until a loud noise came downstairs, Virgil groaned.

He teleported.
   "What is it now all of you are causing-" Virgil stopped talking, he looked around, he started at him. He was confused, shocked, angered.
"WHY ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" Virgil growled roughly. He was about to attack.


A/N:I don't know much so I'm only doing it by knowledge, I do not own Sanders Sides, if I did they would have already fucked.. And yes, the worst anime betrayal. CLIFFHANGER!!! Muahhaha!!

Oh yeah! I'm either going to do Patton(Dom) x Virgil(Sub) OR Deceit(Dom) x Virgil(Sub)!! Like the ship, take it, don't like the ship, leave it.

Well toooooodles!~            H.A.P.P.Y

\\Love Yourself// Sanders Side [Depressed Virgil] discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now