Chapter 13: I'll Never Leave You Two Again

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*3rd Person POV*

Meanwhile, back at the cabin, Joel wakes up with a startle and looks around to find himself in a basement. He groans in pain as he starts to get up and throw the blanket off of him. He takes a few moments to catch his breath as he looks around to see that he was alone. "(Y/n)? Elliot?" He calls out but no answer. He slowly stands up, grunting and groaning, and takes a few steps over to his backpack, picks it up and puts it on his back.

He walks up the stairs, while grunting and groaning in pain and holding his side, and starts to look around. "(Y/n)!? Elliot?!" He calls out again but, again, no answer.

"Where the hell are you two?" He mutters to himself as he walks out of the cabin and out into the snowy streets. "(Y/n)! Elliot!" He yells but nothing, this was starting to worry him. "Where'd they run off to?" He asked himself as continues on.

Suddenly, a gunshot sounds out, just barely missing him. "Shit." He mutters as he hides behind some crates as he hears the hunters yell. "Oh shit! He's over there!"

"Move it! Don't let him get ya!" Another yelled and Joel pulls out his rifle and begins to shoot at them. "Where are they?!" He yells at the hunters, figuring that they had something to do with the kid's disappearance, but their answer was more bullets. And Joel answered back with more bullets as he takes them out, one by one.

He jumps over a fence into a backyard of a cabin then starts to run to the front area. He gets out on the street when a hunter grabs him from behind. "Gotcha, asshole. Finish him off!" The hunter said to his friend, who had a knife pulled out and walking towards Joel. "Hold him still!" The second hunter said while Joel struggles in the hunter's grip.

Joel, then, kicks the hunter in front of him in the nads, then headbutts the one that had a hold of him. "Son of a bitch!" One of the hunters said as Joel grabs one of them and starts to drag them away. "You come with me. Come on..." he growls at one of the hunters. "Let me go. I'll...fuck you up..." the hunter said as Joel drags him away.

Joel brings them to a basement and starts beating them for information. "What do you want? What the fuck?" The hunter that was tied up to the chair asked once Joel stopped punching the second hunter that was tied to an old radiator. "You wait here." Joel said to the hunter he just beat up and grabs a chair and pulls it up in front of the hunter tied to a chair.

"Now...the kids...are they alive?" Joel asked the hunter in a low voice. "What kids? I don't know no kids." The hunter replied. Joel glares at the man for a moment before his stabs him in the knee. The man screams out in pain. "Fuck!" He cries as Joel goes to slap him in the face. "Focus right here. Right here. Or I'll pop your damn knee off." Joel threatens the man. "Now, the kids, one boy and one girl."

"They're alive. They're David's newest pets." The man replied with a wail. "Where?" Joel asked with a growl. The man doesn't answer so Joel twists the knife in the man's leg. "In the town. In the town." The man screams then Joel puts the bloody knife in the merc's mouth and holds up a map.

"Now you're gonna mark it on the map. And it better be the same exact spot your buddy points to. Mark it." He orders and the man does as he was told then spits the knife out of his mouth. "It's right there. You can verify it. Go ask him. Go on. He'll tell ya. I ain't lyin'. I ain't lyin." The man begs as Joel pockets the map and walks behind the hunter.

Then he wraps his arm around the man and chokes him until he breaks his neck. The chair falls over and the second hunter slightly jumps in fright at this until he looks up at Joel. "Fuck you, man. He told you what you wanted. I ain't telling you shit." He shouts as Joel picks up a pipe and walks over to him.

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