Chapter 6: You Got Anything Like That For Me?

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I was passed out when the truck started to slow down. I opened my eyes as Joel stops the truck and we looked out and see that there was a pile of cars and trucks blocking the highway. "Well, perfect." Joel mutters, annoyed. I yawned as Elliot asked. "Now what?" Joel looks around then looks back ahead before he shakes his head. "Screw it." Joel said and he backs the truck up a bit then flipped it in drive and took the turnpike.

We continued on down that road until Joel slams on the brakes. "Easy!" Elliot said as I said. "Hey!" Then we look up and see the man clutching his stomach.
"" the man yelps. "Holy shit...Are we going to help him?" Elliot asked Joel while Joel puts his seatbelt on. "Put your seat belt on, kids." He said and Elliot and I look at him confused. "What about the guy?" I asked. "He ain't even hurt." Joel replied and he slams his foot on the gas pedal and we drive ahead. The man then stands up a little straighter and starts to fire at us while some more guys start to pop out of their hiding place and fire at us.

Joel drives through, hitting one of the men, when a guy throws a brick at the windshield and another at the passenger window. Elliot and I jump back and raised our arms to cover our face as the broken glass flies goes everywhere. "Oh, not good!" Elliot yells as an overturned bus t-bones us, making Joel lose control of the truck. "Hold on!" Joel yelled as he tries to steer the truck into a storefront, crashing into it.

"I'm okay. I'm okay." Elliot assures as we recover from the crash and take some deep breathes. "Same herd." I said. "Then get out quick." Joel said as we unbuckle our seatbelts when suddenly the back door opens and a man grabs me. "C'mere, you!" He yells. "Shit!" I hear Joel shout and then Elliot was grabbed as well.

"Let go of me, you chickenshit!" Elliot yells at his attacker. "Joel!" I screamed as I see a hunter get behind him and slam his head against the middle console of the truck then pulled him out of the truck too. I struggle in the grip of the man that has a hold of me. "Hold still." The man growled as I go into my pocket and pull out my switchable.

I elbow him in the side then stabbed his arm. He let's out scream then shoves me down on the ground. I groan in pain then turn over as the man starts to come at me when Joel comes up and grabs the man, punches him then slammed his head against a shelf. He looks over at me and helps me up to my feet. "You alright?" He asked me. I nod just as I hear Elliot shout. "Get off of me!"

I turn around and see Elliot biting the arm of his attacker. The man screams out then spins Elliot around and smacks him across the face and stands over him, about to strangle him. My hands clenched in anger but before I could do anything, Joel runs over to the man, kicks him in the face then grabs him by the neck and slams his face against a desk.

I run over to them as Elliot begins to cough. "Motherfucker." He coughs. "You okay?" I asked him as the three of us head back to the truck. "Yeah...What's wrong with these guys?" He asked Joel as he grabs his backpack then he grabs our backpacks. "Catch your breath. We're leaving." He said to us as he throws the pack at us. "Kay..." Elliot said as we strap the backpack on our backs. I look over Joel's shoulders and see more men with guns coming.
"Watch out!" I shouts just as the men fire at us and miss. "Shit! Stay down!" Joel ordered as we duck down and hide behind some shelves. Then Joel starts a gunfight with the hunters until all of them were dead. When it was done, the three of us listen as Joel looks around, just in case if anymore were coming.

"Alright...I think that's the last of 'em." Joel said after a few minutes of silence then he turns to us and asked. "You OK?" We shrug and said, in unison. "Yeah. I guess so."

"Good, 'cause we need to get the hell out of here." Joel said and we start to look around for a place out of this little section of town. Until I hear Elliot yell. "Hey -- maybe we can go through here." Joel and I go over to see him standing in front of a garage door of an old gas station. "Well, we sure as hell ain't going back this way." Joel said then kneels down and picks up the door. "Here...let me help." Elliot said and he comes up next to Joel and helps hold it. "Aggh...Alright, go." Joel said to me and I go and duck under the door and crawl to the other side.

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