So I stormed passed him, right out the door. Confidently, I made my way to my house.

I started to wonder what would happen if Phil followed me out here. I erased that from my memory as well.

Sometimes I guess I just love to hate him. However, I shouldn't. I didn't want Phil to catch up to me and continue to tease me, I wanted him gone. Once again, Phil Lester was dead to me.


When I finally got into my house, my mom was waiting right there. Before I could speak, she had her arms around me and was hugging me as tight as she possibly could.

"That sweet little nurse told me exactly what happened." My mom spoke softly, her voice seemed like honey.

I took a seat on the step held my knees, did she tell my mom what was on the recording? I wanted to come out to my mom on my own, Phil could not ruin that.

"Mom, did she tell you everything, like every little detail. like what was on the recording?" I said, holding a breath.

"Yes." She simply stated.

I closed my eyes and took a few short breaths. My mom started to say something but I shushed her. I needed peace and quiet.

Little tears formed on the edge of my eyes and I let them. I took a big, long breath and open my mouth, ready to speak.

"I wanted..I needed to come out on my own." I said shakily, on the edge of breaking down into a pile of tears. I was actually quite sensitive and I was doing the best to control myself.

My mom didn't say anything, she simply just sat next to me on the step and wrapped her arms around me. I wanted to stay strong, I really did, but I couldn't. Strings of tears fell down my face, one by one. I wasn't a loud cryer, it was silent and ugly.

All of a sudden everything that happened just came crashing into me as I held onto my mom. Phil outed me to the school and even though he didn't intend to, he outed me to my mom. I felt small lips on my forehead as my mom wiped some tears away with her finger.

I gathered up some courage to smile softly at her.

"Just go up now, you can talk when you're ready."

I glanced at her with wet eyes before making my way up the steps, one by one. I was glad my mom knew me, knew I wasn't always good with talking about things. I would try to talk to her later, everything would be okay.

I twisted the knob on the door and entered my room, shutting the door behind me.

I fell onto the bed, greeted by my sea of pillows and stuffed animals that I refused to ever get rid of. I was happy that I got to let everything out for a bit. Even though I was sensitive, I didn't cry often and sometimes it was good to. Sometimes it's all you will need.


I spent a good amount of time just laying there, thinking. Looking up at my ceiling and purely just thinking. It's amazing how fast time goes by when you're doing that.

I didn't think about much, and I most certainly did not think about what happened today. Just little things. For the majority of the time the thoughts were happy, but my mind always leads me to unhappy thoughts as well or some that just question my whole entire existence.

My thoughts were interrupted by my door opening and a boy with bright blue eyes and messy black hair was standing right there.

"How the hell did you get into my house, I don't want to speak to you." I say firmly, sitting up. I was a bit embarrassed by the stuffed animals that surrounded me on my bed but then again, why did I care about what he thought.

"Your mother let me in, she's a sweetheart. I told her I came to apologize and I wanted to fix things." He replied, with a shrug of his shoulders. Yet he didn't look like he came to apologize.

"Well, I don't want you here."

I guess he didn't want to take no for an answer and the next you know he shut the door and was right next to me on my bed. He picked up the bear that was next to him and look at it. He smiled gently to the little bear and he looked really happy for a moment.

"You may want to hear what I have to offer, I think it's a wonderful idea." He said, putting the bear down when he began to speak.

"I could care less about any of your offers, I just never want to-"

"Enemies with benefits." He states, cutting me off.

Enemies with benefits? It was an interesting concept. Sure, I've heard of friends with benefits but was enemies with benefits pushing it just a little bit too far?

"Just think about it. We obviously hate each other but you can't deny all the sexual tension between us. It would be perfect. No one would know about it either. Behind the curtain or in the dressing rooms where anyone could walk in at anytime, we would have to be very careful but I think that could be amazing."

I thought over everything he was saying but shook my head. Yes, sneaking around backstage could be pretty fun but not with Phil.

"Phil, I don't think that's a very good idea, now please, leave my house."

"You have a day Dan, a day to change your mind. I know you'll be thinking about. By tomorrow I hope you say yes, or else the offer is off the table." He says slowly as he gets up, making his way to the door.

"All I'm asking is for you to think about it, think about all the fun we could have." He grins and flashes a wink to me before exiting.

I take a deep breath and stare at the wall. I wasn't completely sure if I should turn down the offer again, what did I have to lose? Well my virginity but I'm sure Phil didn't want to go that far, especially since we didn't even like each other.

There was a lot to think about but then again, there wasn't, it was a pretty simple plan.

And maybe, I would say yes to it.


Author's Note: Hello guys!! Well, I have a lot to say. First of all, I'm super sorry for such a late update. Truth is, I don't have an excuse. I was just procrastinating and I never got inspired to do it. However, I was a little busier than usually this both. Also, last weekend I went to Playlist Live Tristate. So I guess that's my only real excuse. So there are a few things I want to clarify as well 1. This is set in America as it is an AU and I found it easier to write about a place I actually knew about. That's why some stuff I mention about school may not be the same as in the UK.2. You probably all forgot about her but Sarah is coming back into the story. and I'm thinking about somehow making her and Val a couple? idk tell me what you think. 3. I know this is a lot about what's happening with Dan and Phil but don't worry, the drama club will come into play a lot more soon. Especially during Tech Week which if you don't know what it is, it will be explained when it happens in later chapters. But it will be stressful and hetic and lots of backstage smut maybe who knows I'm not very good with writing smut. Well I think that may be it. I had a lot of things to tell you guys in this authors note and I think I didn't put like half of it. Hopefully I'll be back on track and will have another update this weekend. I love you all and want to thank you for reading this story, I didn't think anyone actually would because let's be honest, my writing is pretty shitty. I just have lots of ideas and I want them to be phanfics so I write them myself, even if they don't come out great. As always, feedback is amazing and I love to hear your thoughts on how I can improve or what you think I did pretty good on. (hi its talia and your fanfic just got HACKED. I'm 5. -danvryperf on wattpad)- Elise xx

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