Peter Parker AU: The Young pt.2

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"Ok, everyone let's get going, it's dark enough to move around without anyone noticing us. Please be careful. Communication is key for this to go over safely. Remember, we're only killing one elderly so let's make it quick so we can all get home at a decent hour." Harrison shouts and the attackers and spotters start running to the warehouse exit.

"We can do this!" Damien yells, pumping his fist in the air. Your division laughs.

~45 minutes later~

You check the time on your phone, the clock reads 7:32 pm.

The techies found you a target. His name is Larson. He lives in a small studio apartment on the top level of a big apartment complex.

Larson has no wife but he has 20 or so biological children and around 30 grandchildren. He has no relationship with any of his kids or grandkids, so the techies speculate that he's a pimp or something like that. And according to some of the text messages on his phone, he's expecting a working girl anytime now.

Killing the elderly like this guy makes you feel a little less guilty. People like him deserve whatever's coming to them. They use their power to cause pain for others, so taking him out is only really helping those he's hurting.

"What's the best way into the building?" You ask, speaking into your earpiece.

"The is roof is the best bet. There's a door up there that leads down to the top floor." Harrison says, "and there's a fire escape on the other side of the building that leads all the way to the roof."

"Damn, this is easier than I thought it was gonna be." Damien says confidently.

"Don't get too cocky Dami, this guys a pimp. He probably has some sort of security. I doubt he's alone up there." Cameron says, and your entire group nods in agreement.

You peer up at the apartment from the small alleyway you're hiding in, squinting you see small figures moving around the studio apartment.

"Yeah, he's definitely not by himself. We're going to have to be careful. I think we should go in waves. Two or three of us go in at first and if they need back up the next wave goes in." Loretta says quietly.

"Y/n, Gavin, and I will go in first, then Loretta and Sara, last resort will be Cameron and Damien. Sound good to everyone?" Peter asks, looking at everyone, and we all nod.

"Ok, let's head up, but we have to make it staggered so we don't look suspicious to pedestrians. One person goes first, and then the rest will go in pairs every couple minutes." Cameron states.

Everyone looks at each other, some have fear in their eyes, the rest look determined.

"Who wants to go all by themself?" Damien asks, and no one says anything.

"Noes goes." Sara whisper shouts and everyone puts a finger on their noes quickly.

You can hear laughing in your earpiece, and your brother mutters "bunch of wimps" under his breath with a slight chuckle.

"Gavin you're first." Sara points, and you can see his entire body shudder.

"Ok." He walks out of the alleyway cautiously, and crosses the street quickly, trying not to draw attention to himself.

Tom Holland and Friends: ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang