Tom Holland/Young Lovers

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"Y/n time to get up! It's 6:30 for crying out loud. School starts at 7:40, time for you to get ready. You don't want to be late on your first day of school do you?" Your mom said, peeking her head in through the doorway.

"Actually I think I do." You said mumbling into your pillow. You look up at her as she walks into your room."I mean it's not like high school is THAT important. Plus i'm a senior this year. The teachers won't care if I skip the first day of school. We'll just call the office and tell them that i'm sick. It's as easy as pie." You told her, while getting up out of bed.

"Honey, you know we can't do that. You have to show Carson around school. Its his first year of high school, he's super nervous already, it'll help if you just show him around and help him get accustomed to the school." she said throwing clothes at your face.

"HEY?!" You yelled at her.

"Get up out of bed. You can't go to school looking like that." Mom said looking you up and down. "You look like a zombie, Y/n." She said walking out of your room.

"Fine, whatever." You say trudging into the bathroom. You look at yourself in the mirror, rubbing at your face and whipping off the drool by your mouth. Your hair was sticking up in every direction, you tried to brush through it but it ended up getting caught in a ton of snarls.

Dang, Mom was right I do look like a zombie. Maybe I should take a shower, that will help me wake up, plus I smell like the undead too.

*Time skip to about 6:45 am*

Getting out of the shower, You grabbed the towel hanging up, and dried yourself off. You tried your
best to get your hair as dry as possible, but towel drying doesn't work very well for drying hair. So you just blow dried the rest of it. You walked into your bedroom , and opened your closet. You sorted through your entire closet and found the perfect outfit.

You went into the bathroom and straightened your hair, pulling it back into a half up half down ponytail. Then You put on a light amount of make up. Walking out of your room and running downstairs.

"Finally you're ready. Took you long enough." Carson said, handing you your backpack and running out the door.

"I CALL SHOTGUN!" You shouted locking the door to the house. Turning around, you ran off the front porch, and ran over to the car.

"You little twat. I called front seat, move!" You said opening the door and trying to pull him out.

"Well I got here first." Carson said sticking his tongue out.

"Hey, you two, stop acting like you're two year olds. Carson you know the rules, whoever calls shotgun gets the front seat. Now move for your sister." Your mom told him.

*Time skip to end of car ride*

"Alright, you kids have a good day!" Your mom said waving to us and then driving off.

"Ok, kid. You know where your first class is right?" You asked Carson, while walking through the school doors.

"Yes I do, I don't know what mom was talking about you showing me around. We did that at open house." he said.

"She probably forgot, I mean she is working all the time after all, being a nurse and a single mother can take its toll on a person." You say.

"You're right. Mom does too much for us, and she works too hard. I guess she just wants to give us the best life. Anyways I'll see you after school." Carson said, walking away.

You walked over to your locker, shoving your backpack into your locker, and grabbing your books. You closed your locker and walked over to your best friend, Tom Holland. You leaned up against the locker looking at him.

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