They sat there for about an hour until it was a little bit past seven, talking about one another and learning random but cute details. For both of them, this was probably the best time they had had with anyone. They both felt so comfortable with each other and didn't have to worry about being judged or feeling out of place. They

"You know," Y/N bluntly cut through the conversation, "We've known each other for some time now and I can't help but think since you've at least stayed with me for this long, that we might just be endgame..." she trailed off.

"Then be my girlfriend," he deadpanned. Y/N's blushed rushed right back at his blunt proposal. She looked down at the water and stared at the waves for a bit. 

"Give me a day, and I'll get back to you..." she smiled, trying to reassure him she was seriously considering him. 

"That will be the longest day of my life," he joked as he hopped down to the bridge and held his hand out. "I'm really sorry, but I have to go but, I'll take you home if you want," he said as she took his hand and hopped down from the ledge. 

"It's no problem, I have to meet with a friend anyway, but I would love it if you could take me home."

"Why a visit this late though?" he questioned. 

"To be honest, I don't even know. They said it was urgent so I don't want to let them down," she said. 

"You really are a good person, " he said as they started to walk out of the garden. Y/N slightly brushed her hand on his and grabbed it. Hawks gave a little smile and laced his fingers with hers and continued walking. 


Y/N got off the elevator and headed to her apartment door only to see her guest waiting leaning against a wall outside. 

"Kanaye, you're here," she said in a bubbly manner. 

"Yeah, and you seem a little different. I'm guessing it was a fun date, huh," he said as he pushed off the wall. 

"Oh it was more than fun," she began as she unlocked the door and both of them went inside and sat on the couch, "It was amazing, we went to that park that we always used to go and talked about so many things and got to really know a lot more about each other. We talked about-"

"Y/N, don't talk about other guys when we are together anymore," he said harshly said, which was really out of character for him. 

"Jeez ok, are you jealous or something?" she joked. 

"No, I'm not jealous," he stated as he flashed his eyes at her, activating his quirk which he used to control her body and put her to sleep. He moved closer to her and lifted her chin, "I just don't like what's been mine for so long to be taken away..." he trailed as he brought his lips closer to hers "And I can't let that happen," he lowly said as he kissed her soft lips gently. It was quick because he didn't want to be a total creep, but he missed that warm feeling as soon as it was gone. "This might be harder than I thought... dammit," he whispered to himself as he deactivated his quirk. Y/N began to slowly wake up as her head was rested on his lap as she looked up into his eyes. 

"Good morning, Sunflower ~," Kanaye joked with a sweet smile on his face. She quickly shot up and covered her mouth.

"I am so sorry! I didn't even realize I fell asleep, I must be really tired," she apologized.

Kanaye chuckled, "It's no problem, you were just in a bit of an uncomfortable position so I moved you so you'd be a bit more comfortable," he smiled scratching the back of his head. "But I should probably go so you can go to sleep, " he said as he stood up. "Please, beg me to stay..." he thought as just the thought of it made him shiver with joy. 

"Yeah your right, after you leave, I'll go straight to bed!" she said as she walked him to the door. She didn't see it, but Kanaye had a very frustrated expression on his face as she said that.

"Ok, Y/N has a good night~," he said as he quickly went out the door. After he heard her lock it again, he walked down the hallway a little disheartened. 

He began to think to himself...

 "I wonder in a competition between Keigo and me...

who would win?"


Okie Dokie, it's finished for now!

I'm really trying with this story because I really don't want to disappoint you guys but I've been so busy ;-; 

Anyway, I'll see y'all fairly soon!


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