"Wait what?" The older was taken back from what Jisung said.

"I-I like you a lot hyung.." Jisung nervously stated as he noticed Minho slowly leaning away from him.

"I-. I need to go." Minho started to panic and he got up from the couch, letting go of Jisung.


Jisung watched his hyung get up and walking to the front door. His heart-ached as he saw someone he cares about leaving after his confession.

Minho stops at the front door for a moment and turns his head to see the younger with confused and sadness in his eyes as he watched Minho leave. This immediately broke Minho's heart seeing the younger he so deeply cares about upset.

The older boy huffed and quickly walked back to the younger on the couch. He pulled Jisung up off the couch and grabbed him by the hem of his collar. He pressed his lips against Jisung's lips and began to kiss him sweetly that was filled with pain. Jisung didn't hesitate to kiss back and melted into the kiss.

The two boys enjoy the sweet gentle kiss they shared. Minho pulls away from the kiss and stares into the younger's eyes.

"I like you a lot too... but, that's why it's best if I should let you go. I don't want to loose you." Minho gently rubbed the younger's cheek with his thumb.

Jisung grabs Minho's hand pulling it off his face and intertwining his fingers to the older's.

"What do you mean?"

"It's my past that is coming to haunt me and I don't want you getting involved or hurt. It'll be best if I let go and don't get attached anymore. You should do the same." Minho was afraid of loosing the only person that truly cares about him and he didn't want to take a risk as much as it hurt him.

Minho tried pulling away but Jisung pulled him back.

"I'm already to attached. Please don't leave me.." Jisung's voice cracked as he was at the verge of tears.

"Don't make this harder than it has to be. I want you safe." Minho didn't want to look at Jisung because he knew he would break.

"Your just like him aren't you? Your trying to figure out a way to get rid of me, right?" His emotions were getting the best of him and he began to think negatively.

"Jisung.. don't say that. I'm trying to do what I think is best. I care about you to much, please don't think that way." Minho shot his head up not liking what the younger was on about.

"If you cared then why can't I say what I think is right?! If you cared about me we would figure this out together instead of you just walking away!" Tears uncontrollably ran down Jisung's puffy pink cheeks.

"Sunmi will go after you and hurt you! She'll make sure no one haves me! Please be understanding Jisung." He tried to make common ground with Jisung but nothing was working.

"I don't care! Please don't leave me..."

"Ji-." Jisung cut him off.

"I want to be always by your side hyung! I want to be with you all the time! Please don't push me away. We can deal with this together.. I want to be with you." Jisung hugged the older as he cried into his shoulder.

Minho felt even worst, by doing this he realized it would just hurt Jisung more. He hated to see Jisung crying, he wanted him to smile but both of their hearts were hurting.

"I'm scared to loose you..." Minho and Jisung fell to the floor as their heavy hearts couldn't support them to stand.

"You won't loose me, I promise." Jisung hugged tighter, afraid Minho was going to leave any second.

"How are you for sure about that?" The older was on the verge of tears but held them back.

"Your just going to have to trust me." Jisung looked up at his hyung with his puffy red eyes.

"I'm trusting you, you stupid squirrel." The older wiped Jisung's tears off his puffy cheeks and connected his forehead to his. "I won't leave you."

After a few moments of silence of the two calming themselves down they pull away to look at each other.

"Jisung. I'm sorry for wanting to run away and it hurt you." Minho apologized feeling how vulnerable he was.

"It's okay, you don't need to apologize. We were both not thinking straight." Jisung reassured him with a warm smile.

"But I'm still scared. So please keep your promise." Minho returned a smile. "How about we make things official." Minho noticed the younger's eyes were no longer filled with confused and sadness as they were filled with relief and joy. "Do you wanna be my boyfriend?"

"Yes." Jisung smiles brightly.

Minho leans in to plant another kiss onto the other's lips. Jisung melted into the kiss and kissed back with smiles breaking the kiss.


I hope this doesn't seem all over the place I tried tho ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌ .

Btw! I started another book! I have to many 😂! The new book I'm writing is a Jikook fanfic called "Running to You". I hope y'all consider on checking it out!

Have a great day and stream "On"!!! ~ 💜

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