1- Breaking things off

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After hours of deliberation, the jury finally came to their decision and headed back into the courtroom with the jury foreman handing the verdict to the court officer. As he looked down at the ruling he held in his hand, Jocelyn looked at her client, leaned closer, and nudged him after seeing he was looking down at his hands. "Look up and sit straight, please," she whispered.

"Will the defendant please rise..." the court officer said as he locked eyes with Jocelyn's client, pausing until he stood. "We, the jury, find the defendant not guilty," he read out loud before handing the verdict over to the judge.

Jocelyn knew he had nothing to worry about with his case. Every piece of evidence she was able to find proved he was an innocent man and smiled as she looked over at her client, speaking quietly, "Not guilty, just like I said you would be from when I first spoke to you on the phone; you're now a free man."

The judge lowered his glasses to the rim of his nose and looked at the verdict the foreman handed him, then turned his head and looked at the jury as he removed his glasses. "Jury foreman, is this verdict correct?"

She stood while looking at the defendant, then looked over to the judge as she wiped her hands down the sides of her dress. "Yes, your honor. With all the evidence presented to us and after listening to all the witnesses provided, we, the jury, came together with the final decision of finding the defendant not guilty."

"Thank you. You may sit." He handed the verdict back to the court officer and instructed him to pass the ruling over to the prosecuting attorney. As the attorney looked over the verdict, his face fell, giving off a look of disgust, and he handed the paper back to the officer.

"Do you have any questions?" the judge asked the prosecuting attorney.

"No, no questions, your honor," he sighed, collecting all his papers and stacking them nicely together.

The judge looked at Jocelyn's client, congratulating him. "You're a free man," he said, then explained once he got back to the jail and completed the paperwork, he would be immediately set free.

Jocelyn stood, shaking her client's hand. "Again, congratulations. I knew all along they had the wrong man, and you would be set free."

With tears filling his eyes and still in shock about the verdict, he broke down while shaking her hand. "Thank you so much," he finally said. He never thought he would ever see the day of freedom after being accused of such a vicious crime, which he knew he never committed. He loved his wife more than anything and never would have brutally murdered her. It was still killing and haunting him since the day he came home from work and found his wife lying in a pool of blood on their kitchen floor with her throat slit and multiple stab wounds covering her entire body.

With tears still flooding his eyes, he couldn't help but hug his attorney, not wanting to go back to the place he hated. Although, he was more than ecstatic to know he didn't have to spend another night in a place where he had to make sure he slept on his back and had to keep his ears open at all times, not wanting to wake up to any surprises. "I now only hope they'll take the focus off me and find out who did this."

"They will," she assured him.

On the way back to the office, she couldn't stop smiling. It was her fourth win in one week, and she had one more case to go to finish off the week, hopefully with another win. She walked into the office and saw a group of attorneys huddled around in a circle, whispering amongst themselves. Not wanting to interrupt whatever they were discussing, she remained quiet as she walked past, trying to listen in on what they were saying.

"Jocelyn, I hear you've won another case," Alex, one of the attorney's said, stopping her. "Congratulations."

For the past week, Alex had been on her shit list and was about to ignore him. Instead of looking and acting like a bitch, she turned and smiled. "News travels fast, doesn't it?" she asked with a fake smile, with her smile slowly fading as she didn't care for the grin on his face.

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