Lion's Den

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He looked at the girl lying naked in his bed. She was no older than twenty one. She had a well shaped ass and matching pair of full breasts. It helped that he had money,and loads of it. He had met her at one of the posh clubs he frequented. She had been at one of the lower tier tables with a couple of her friends and she kept stealing him some glances from time to time. He beckoned the waitress to him and ordered the next round of drinks for her table.

He looked at his present company. He had never been one to to mix business with pleasure but she was one firecracker he could not keep away from. Despite her charming appearance, Becky was not one to be trifled with. She was as ruthless as they came. She was known as La Dona in their circles. And it was a name she loved. She enjoyed the fear she and weight that name carried.

"Really, Cyrus, of all the people to mess with you had to pick Dr. Kanyi son? You're in some deep shit. That is not a man you want as your enemy." She swirled the drink in her glass before she drained it to the last drop.

"How the hell was I supposed to know that Jayson was Kanyi's son. It is not as if the man has made his private life exactly known to the general public."

You have to lay low for a while. Word on the street is that Kanyi is looking into the shooting of his son. And you don't want to be anywhere near here when he finds out we were responsible," Becky said,looking serious. "I have to leave, that girl you paid for drinks has been giving you the fuck me eye ever since she laid hers on you. Talk to her, you may get lucky and she'll help you loose this tension, even of it's just for a few hours." She got up and kissed him on his left cheek, a wry smile plastered on her delicate face.

He emptied his glass of whisky with the next swig and waved the waiter over indicating he needed a refill. The waiter put down fresh glass in front of him and he noticed the young lady moving across the club towards him, everything about her walk screaming sex at him.

"Mind if I join you? She asked tapping his shoulder. " I thought I'd thank you personally on behalf of my friends for paying for our last round of drinks." Her voice was pure seduction. It was something he was accustomed to but he found himself intrigued by her.

"Why not?" He pointed at the seat opposite his, the one Becky had previously occupied.

"I'm Tamia." A well manicured hand extended to his. He remembered Becky's suggestion and took it in his, bringing it to his mouth. "My oh my, such gallantry," she said, faking a gasp.

He knew her type all too well. She was after his wallet and nothing else but he didn't mind one bit.  They had a couple of drinks together after that as they spoke. Well, she did most of the talking. She ranted about her bitchy and nosy neighbor who kept on poking her nose in her business. About her parents who thought she was a bit too reckless. About her last relationship which she'd supposedly broken off due to her the guy's insecurities and stinginess. She droned on and on and on as he sat there, sipping his whisky and eyeing her, like a predator does its prey.

When he had drained the last drop of his drink, he motioned to one of the security personnel, Michael to have his car brought to the back entrance of the club. He asked for the bill and had them put it on his tab.

"Shall we?" He asked, extending his right hand to hers as he helped her up.

"Such a gentleman," she said giggling. She took his hand and let him escort her through the maze of bodies on the dance floor. They went to the back entrance where a silver Porsche Carrera Turbo was parked, it's engine still running. She couldn't help but gasp at the car's sheer beauty. He opened the shotgun door for her and then got into the car and they sped off.

"Didn't your mother ever warn you against getting into a stranger's car? I might be a serial killer for all you know," he spoke in a cool tone.

"You, you can't be a serial killer," she said as she looked into his eyes. "You sir are a softie, you just hide it under all this macho appearance. She put on some soft music as she sang along. The drive to his apartment took no more than twenty minutes.

They wasted no time once they got into the apartment building. They'd began kissing as soon as they stepped onto the elevator. She was receptive to every if his kisses, his deep and demanding, hers sensual in every manner. Once inside his apartment, he ripped off her petite dress and she gasped. He took her on the carpet, hard and fast as she moaned in pleasure. He yanked her hair backwards as he took her from behind. She came before he did, and her entire  body pulsing from the rollercoaster that he'd just taken her through. And even then, he didn't slow down,  not one bit. It wasn't until he came, his seed spilling deep within her that he eased his length out of her. Their ragged breathing was all the they could hear.

"Are you on any form of birth control?" He asked her, his tone cold and menacing that she had flinched.

"Yes," she answered.

He got up and pulled her and led her to the shower where he made love to her, this time, slow sensual. He took his time to explore every curve and crevice on her body. When they were both spent, they went to his bedroom where she'd fallen asleep immediately, sleeping like a child.

Now he lay on his bed, looking at the girl besides him, thinking of how to get out of the deep shithole he had gotten himself into. He didn't know how he'd do it but he knew that it involved Mark. He was the entire reason he was in such a mess. But first, he had to get some sleep.


My muse is back, and she's here to stay. This chapter will no doubt have some errors and is subject to a lot of editing in the near future.
I know most of y'all have been waiting for a steamy scene...

Before then, do enjoy... Si you already know the drill😁😁

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