Past & Present

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Wendy woke up to an empty house. Her best friend and roommate Rehema had gone to visit her folks back in Mombasa. She was scheduled to go see her ailing grandmother while there.
She found her thoughts subtly drawn towards Jayson. She had to admit to herself that she'd been a little too hard on him. She had been the one to lead him on after all, then she had bitten off his head for trying to be a decent human being. He after all never knew about her past. Very people in her circle actually knew and her circle was quite small.

"Don't turn your back on me when I'm speaking to you woman!" His voice thundered from across the room. "You're going to learn to respect me."
"I'm tired of your bull Calvin. This isn't love and I can't take it no more. If it's a subservient you wanted,then you picked the wrong woman," she replied venom filling her soul. She left the room and began for the kitchen. She heard the fast approaching footsteps behind her and she knew he would not let her off the hook that easily.
"Come back right this instant. Where are you going?"
"To get some supper you idiot. I haven't really eaten now have I?" She spat the words back at him.
He yanked her hair backwards so hard that she fell on the floor screaming in pain. She braced herself for what she knew would be a beating that would leave ugly scars. The first kick landed on her belly and the pain was so intense, she thought she would die.

She shook the memory from her head and got up. She felt lazy today and she did not bother spreading her bed. She would after all spend the entire day in bed more or less. She walked leisurely to the kitchen and got a pot started on the coffee machine. As she waited for the coffee,she took an apple from her fruit basket and took several bites before she took out some bread and made a sandwich.
She carried her breakfast to her room and put it on her dresser. She ate her sandwich sparingly and drank two mugs of coffee. She took her earphones out and it wasn't long before the soothing jazz mix she was listening to lulled her to sleep. She dreamt of Jayson and by the time she got up an hour and a half later,she had decided that she would do something she might regret later.

His phone rang waking him up from his deep slumber. He'd passed out as soon as he had got out of the shower. He was surprised to see that his towel was still wrapped around his waist. He fumbled around his bed looking for his phone. He didn't recognize the number but the caller ID read Rose. He answered the phone call apprehensively and did not speak till a soft feminine voice came from the other end.
"Jayson, sorry if I woke you up. It's Wendy."
He couldn't believe his ears. "It's no biggie, I was already awake," he lied and winced at how easily the lie came to his lips.
"I'm calling to apologize for how I left that morning. Can we meet up for coffee or something? I'd like to make it up to you," she said as she held her breath waiting for his response. "No pressure," she added before he could speak.
"Sure,when and where do I pick you?" He asked her.
"How about I pick you up from your place in say around 5:30pm for some happy hour?" She asked and he was taken aback by her offer.
"Uum,okay I guess," he said.
"See you then," she said as she hung up the phone.
He got out of his bed and decided to go to the gym. His thoughts kept on straying to Wendy's sudden change in attitude towards him. Fifteen minutes later,he had arrived at the gym.
A few regulars were already there, breaking a sweat. He began with some bench presses which he did for about an hour. Next he did some back squats for half an hour. He took a short break and took some time to hydrate as he caught up with some of his acquaintances from the gym. He chose pull ups next and he did a hundred and fifty before he called it quits. He decided to finish with Dumbbell Romanian dead lift which he did for thirty minutes before his body screamed from the exhaustion. He left the gym after taking a short breath and walked the short to his estate. He got to the house and took a long shower. He put on a light grey suede loafer with black khaki pants and a Polo tee.
He took his work laptop and began working on some designs for some pallet furniture he'd been thinking of making for his room back home. He heard the bell ring. He looked at his wrist watch and he was shocked to see that it was already 5:30 pm. He opened the door and Wendy walked in. She was dressed in a short coffee black leather skirt,a grey tank top and a matching biker's jacket.
"Damn," he said whistling. "You look amazing Wendy."
"Thank you. You don't look half bad yourself," she said smiling. "Come on,your chariot awaits Monsieur."
He locked up behind him and followed her to the elevator. They got off at the ground floor and went to the parking where she led him to a Peugeot 508 sports. If he was surprised, Jay hid it well. He hadn't expected her to drive such a car.
"Chariot my ass,this is some fine ass ride you've got here," he said in appreciation.
"Well,what can I say, I'm a sucker for great machines," she said as she shrugged her head. She unlocked the doors and they both got in.
"So,where to?" He asked trying to make small talk.
"You'll see," she replied, a coy smile lighting her face.


I've been done with this chapter for a while now... I decided to do an introductory chapter to Wendy's past and I hope you like it.
Read,comment,share widely and vote if I deserve it.

Don't Let Me Go (A Kenyan Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora