Extra Experimental

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Holly was now officially embarrassed. A nerd from their school filmed her on the floor in ballet and her underwear soaked. As she walked into the school grounds, she was over-ran by people who laughed and teased her about wetting her pants. She felt like she was going to cry, but she held it in.

The mean Sophie came towards Holly and told her not to go pee in her panties again. She said that in a little baby voice as well. Ashamed, Holly did not speak as Sophie walked away laughing.  Her mum put a little zip bag in her school bag containing spare undies and socks. Just in case for any accidents happening again. She did the same for Cordelia. 

Today was an exam. All the year sevens would be in a hall doing the same test. This test was very important because it gave the teacher information about their knowledge. Holly and Cordelia both brought the tiny zip lock bags along with them just in case of any accidents. Cordelia read on the internet about this girl who wet herself in a test, and she didn't want that to happen to her. 

The test was Maths, uh. It wasn't that bad. It was bad bad. It was only in the middle of the test when Cordelia decided to do something that she really wanted to do. She opened her bag of undies and there were so many to choose from. But she didn't take one because she had an accident, she took one to put over her own. Now, Cordelia carefully pulled her pants down because today she was wearing pants and tried to slip it on until one of the teachers spotted her.

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