Chapter 4: The Pieces Fall Into Place

Start from the beginning

Blake's face drop. "Right... you're meeting my parents."

"What?" You worriedly say. "Is that... bad? You just went pale."

"No, no, it's fine!" Blake turns around to hide her face. "We're only there to find this relic, anyway."

"So we can use your house as a sort of base until we find it. Menagerie is a decently sized island, right?"

"Yeah..." Blake huffs. "Yeah," the girl catches a glimpse of an island in the distance. "We're... almost there."

"Cool," you stretch your back and walk past Blake. "We should make sure to grab our stuff. I'm sure Kaimira wouldn't like me leaving him behind."

"I'm always here," Balrog says with his deep, booming voice.

"Yes you are," you pat your shoulder.

Blake watches you walk away for a moment before sighing. She undoes her bow, revealing her Faunus ears, and shoves the material into her pocket. She doesn't need to hide it here.


The boat docks with Menagerie, letting all it's passengers, almost exclusively Faunus, depart. The port is filled with different huts with boxes below, stalls, and a plethora of people surrounding them. Food, appliances, even a few weapons stalls. You walk alongside Blake and are immediately being hit by a horrid smell. You cover your nose and cough.

"Oh, god... the smell..."

Blake, along with several other wandering Faunus, look at you with disgust.

"(Y/N)!" Blake scolds. "Don't be so rude!"

"Wait," you reach out for her. "That's not what I..." Blake, who's now ignoring you, keeps walking. You sigh. "That's not what I meant. Kaimira, do you-"

"I do, but it's odd. Not the normal smell."

"Okay, so I was right," you start fast walking after Blake. "I'll have to keep an eye out."

You follow Blake down a path that's fairly crowded with Faunus. There is space to maneuver, but it's not too much. The stone path you follow exits the port and goes to a more residential looking area. There's houses all over, some small and hut-like, others more like a bungalow. It's nowhere near as architecturally advanced as anywhere you've been before. This path takes you up some stairs and to a massive overview of buildings, trees, and even the mountains far beyond.

"Wow..." You crack a smile. "This is... really awesome." You soon realize Blake is going on without you and jog to her side. "So, where are we going?"

Blake stops and looks at you with sharp eyes, still upset.

"I'm sorry," you let your head fall. "I didn't mean it like that."

"What did you mean it like?" She snaps.

"I... uh..." You look away, spotting some of the Faunus staring back at you. "It's... hard to explain."

"Then don't say it again."

"Right," you nod.

"Well," Blake sighs. "We're going... there," she stops and points to the large building in the middle.

It almost reminds you of your home. Centered, larger than most, easily distinguishable. You cross your arms and squint.

"Are you important?" You look to her, quickly realizing how that could be taken. "I-I mean, like, is your family important on the island. You're important, but... uh..."

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