chapter 4: the deathclaws nest

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You and nora go over to tinker Tom and talk to the guy with goggles on the computer.

Nora: that's Tom, or tinker tom
Hey Tommy, we need some special clothing for our new guy, ironhide.

Tinker tom: ironhide huh, tell me have you been eating or drinking anything out there?

Y/n: the food and drinks the wasteland has are gross to the taste and I actually don't need food or water to survive so I just don't eat or drink

TT: oh...really?....I um wait you sure you aren't a synth?

Y/n: I'm positive, I don't have any cybernetics, and I don't think I could have any I wanted them. Seeing as how a needle or anything that tries to cut me either stops or breaks without me even having a scratch

TT: daaayam, no wonder you're called ironhide, wait if you're invincible then why do you need my special armor?

Y/n: I'm sick of getting bullet holes in my shirt

TT: ooooohhhh, right right right
I gotcha, well these should be good for that

He gives you a shirt and pants with a hexagon like pattern

Y/n: graphine infused fiber ballistics! Nice!

TT: what did he say? Graph fine?

Y/n: graphine, it's a substance that is made to repel kinetic energy at a subatomic level

TT: that's what it's called

Nora: thanks tom, I just need to repair my armor

She gets out and sets it up at an armor stand using aluminum and tape to repair it, no wonder it falls apart after a couple hundred shots. She's welding rusted scrap and using 200 year old duck tape to fix a walking tank.

TT: so tell me, what else do you know about tech from way back?

Y/n: my world one of the more advanced technologies that was going on was virtual reality in the year 2015 and 2020 it was getting better, we tried in the late 80s and early 90s to have VR but our technology was too young and it just wasn't there yet.

TT: virtual reality? Wow
So like...what did you use it for?

Y/n: well...just about everything
We used it in hospitals so that people confined in bed wouldn't have to look at that same dreary room

TT: I wish we had that, maybe....
I have work to do!

Nora repairs her armor and comes up to you.

Nora: ready to head out?

Y/n: yeah, let's go

You head out into the wasteland and you encounter more gunners and raiders, you tank bullets like usual and this time the shirt stands up to whatever they throw at it.

Y/n: now that's what I'm talking about, no bullet holes

You have fun taunting the raiders and start break dancing because why not, eventually you just ko them all but you get seperated from nora.

Y/n: hm? Nora?? Hey nora! Where are you?

You then feel something grab you...something big and something with large claws.

Y/n: ahh....shit

Your captor goes on all fours carrying you for hours before eventually stopping and you can finally see what you're looking at.

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