chapter 9

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Red - danger/evil
Blue - trustworthy
Black - lying
Green - smart
Yellow - kind and sweet
Orange - lust
Pink - love
Gold - royalty
White - embarrassment


"Don't know. Never met my mother. She might have been galra royalty" keith said. Hunk turns to coran "coran is there anyway to find out if keith. Is galra royalty so lance doesn't have to marry lotor?'
Coran nods and says "yes there is. I just need to take a blood test". Keith nods "ill take the test". Coran gets the needle out to take a blood test. He goes over keith and takes some blood out while lance wasn't looking at the needle.
'When i marry lance., im going to have to get him over that free. A galra queen can have. No fears' lotor thought as he watched the scene in front of him.
Caron goes and puts the blood in the machine to test if keith was glarean royally.
"Now we just need to wait for the machine to test his blood" coran says.
Pidge, hunk and shiro nod at coran.
"I have a question " lance asks
"Ask away lance" alura said smiling at her little brother.
"When I turn 18, how will the peace treaty react?" He asks his big sister nervously.
"When you turn 18, you will have two weeks to plan the wedding and get married. Then you have a year to produce a offspring" alura says
"But we are both men how can we produce an heir" lance asks, confused
"All gay or bi alteans can get pregnant " lotter said. Lance was just about to say something when coran says "the results are back'

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