chapter 6

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Red - danger/evil
Blue - trustworthy
Black - lying
Green - smart
Yellow - kind and sweet
Orange - lust
Pink - love
Gold - royalty
White - embarrassment


"The reason why  Lance's eyes were glowing and why he had glowing altean Mark's is because he is prince lance. Alura he's your missing younger brother. Hes our lance" coran said smiling widley.  Lance,  keith, shiro, pidge and hunk look at coran is confusment. Lotors smirk seems to become more smirkier if thsts even possible. Alura suddenly starts crying. She runs over to lance and hugs him tightly.   Lance hugs her back still confused. 

Lance starts crying slightly "t-that means my family  lied to me.  Their not my family" he said. Keith hugs him tightly and tries to calm him down. After a while he does fully calm down but stays in keith hold.

"Can someone explain what's going on?" Keith asks. Lotor nods. "Lance here is the lost prince of altea.  He is  alura's younger brother.  He is the most important altean because he Is part  of a piece treaty between the alteans and galra. He went missing when the galra attacked alta when he was just 2. No one knows what happened to him but somehow he ended up on earth.  He is the most powerful altean ever because of his special gift. " lotor said still smirking. Lance eyes widen when he mentioned the special gift. He starts panicking slightly.

Hunk and pidge look at lance. "What special gift lance?" Pidge asks lance. Everyone turned to lance. "I-I........ummmmmm I can see people aura's. Red means danger/evil.  Blue means trustworthy. Black means lying.  Green means smart. Yellow means kind and sweet.  Orange means lust. Pink means love.  Gold means royalty. White means embarrassment. The thicker the aura the more powerful the person is" Lance  mumbled nervously and in fear "P-please dont think of me as a freak". Keith quicker hugs lance which makes them blush. "You are not a freak, lance. You are anything but a freak" he says as he aura turns white and pink. Lance tries to ignore that his aura turns pink. He nods to keith to say ok.

Alura sighs "never think yourself of a freak again lance" she said sternly.  Lance nods and says "yes sis".  Shiro then realises what lotor says about the piece treaty "what's this peace treaty that involves lance?" He asks.

"Lotor. They don't need to know about that now.  Let this shock about lance not being human and being the altean prince settle in first before you say this news" coran says.  "No if theses something about me that can stop this stupid war. I want to know about it"  lance says. "No lance. You don't need to know about that peace treaty yet" alura begged. "Please" lance begged. Lotor smirked.  "See coran, alura he wants to know" lotor says. Alura and coran sighs. 

"The peace treaty   says that the altean prince or princess has to marry the hair to the galra empire. Seeing has altea has a prince and a princess, the prince of altea got to choose who he wanted to marry.  He chose the prince as he is gay. So prince lance has to marry the prince of the galra empire 2 weeks after his 18th birthday " lotor said smiling. No not smiling smirking.

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