6-Year Anniversary (phan)

169 6 3

Genre: angst/fluff
Phil's POV:

"Wow, 6 years already, huh?" I said to Dan as we lay in the lounge together. "Yep." Dan replied contently.

"Hey, I'm gonna go the shops real quick, but I'll be back in time for dinner, yeah?" I called out so that he wouldn't raise supposition as to what I was doing. "Okay! Bye Phil, love you!" And I was out. Alright, let's get this done.

Dan's POV:

As soon as Phil left, I felt extremely lonely. For the past 6 years, I've relied on his comfort. Now that he's gone, I really don't know what to do.

Also, since Phil left, he seemed to have a tone in his voice that I couldn't quite explain. But I don't know, it's probably just my mind overthinking it.

~Time skip 2 hours~

Okay, this is getting weird. Don't get me wrong Phil takes a long time shopping, (especially at Tesco's) but he's never this long. Oh god, what if something happened to him?

Never mind that, brain shut up you're being a twat, I'll just keep myself distracted, Instagram works, right?

I scrolled through my Instagram feed when all of a sudden I spot Phil's page, there's a new photo. It's a photograph of Phil....and a girl that I don't know. And what are they doing? Phil's kissing her on the cheek, caption saying,'Shh, don't tell Dan'.

I was freaking out, pacing around our flat after I had thrown my phone on the ground in anger. "How could he do this?!?" I said aloud, "How the fuck could he do this! Never mind the fact that it's our SIX YEAR ANNIVERSARY?!?" I suddenly stopped being mad, and started crying.

There was nothing I could do but cry. My life felt as if it was empty and pointless. But what shocks me most is that Phil...my Phil, had the power to do this to someone. It doesn't make sense.

I have to get back at him.

I stormed out of the house and went to the first pub I could find. Before I left the house though, I left a note on the counter.

The pub was complete rubbish as of when I walked in, it wreaked of sex and alcohol. But that didn't matter cause I was here for both.

~Time skip 30 minutes~

Alright, 10 beers and I think I'm good. Wow, that chick looks hot over there. Black hair, blue eyes, big boobs, seems my type. Wait, did I just single out every girl that didn't have black hair and blue eyes? God dammit, Dan. My eyes started to water but I blinked the tears away. I was not gonna let that bastard get to me again tonight. Tonight was about revenge.

I walked up to the girl, confident that I could get her to do exactly what I wanted tonight. "Hey, you here alone?" I asked, trying to sound proper but it came out as more of a slur. "Yeah, are you, sexy?" She played with her hair and winked at me. "Yep. So, what do you say we get outta here?" I said as I nibbled on her ear. She said nothing, but grabbed her purse and coat, and dragged me out of there.

We got to the flat and instantly started making out. I have to admit, she was extremely good, and pretty damn attractive. We went to the couch and things started to get more heated up. But as soon as we broke apart and I looked at her face, my stomach dropped. This wasn't him, this wasn't Phil.

I tried to push that feeling aside as she continued to try and get into my pants. C'mon, I can't think about him now.

A little while later, and we were both half naked on the couch, and still making out, tried as hard as possible to stop. But after a few more sloppy kisses, that happened. The door had opened.

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