jock and the nerd

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Summary: Harry is the popular jock and Louis is the shy nerd. Harry thinks Louis is cute and Louis thinks Harry is hot.

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Louis walked through the hallways with his head hung low and his books tugged tightly to his chest. He was known as the nerd of the school. The invisible person.

Louis made it to his locker and set some of his books inside and only took the ones he needed for his next classes. He closed his locker with a sigh and walked to his next period.

He walks in slowly with his eyes fixated on the floor. He sits in his seat all the way in the back to help not be noticed by others. He's not into much attention and likes to keep to himself a lot. He'd rather spend his time reading books instead of going to parties.

Right before the bell rings, Harry and his two friends (more like sidekicks) walk i to the room. Louis' cheeks turn red right away as he keeps his head down.

He has always had a huge crush on him since the 5th grade. They're now in 11th and Harry has only gotten hotter.

The only problem is Harry will never be Louis'. Harry is the school jock. He's quarterback of the football team and has girls and some guys falling at his feet, ready to do whatever he says. Harry doesn't even know Louis exists, or so he thinks.

The teacher walks into the classroom as soon as the bell rings and the whole class stops their chatter. She walks to her desk and brings up a screen from her computer to the projector.

On the screen is a list of peoples names made into two columns. Louis looks at it confused and waits for the teacher to explain.

"We will be starting a project today until the end of next week. It will be a research paper and you will be working with your assigned partner. I have the list of names on the board and you may get started." Mrs. Mack says and goes back to grading papers.

Louis directs his eyes up to the screen to try to fund his name. As he scans through the list he finds his name and the name next to his makes his heart stop.

He's partners with Harry Styles.

His eyes go wide and knots form in his stomach from the thought of having to talk to him everyday for the next two weeks. He will probably stutter the whole time and he will get annoyed and angry and everything will go down hill from there.

At least, that's what he's almost sure will happen.

As he's opening his book to find the right page, he feels a presence standing in front of him and closes his eyes shut for a second because he knows exactly who it is.

"You're Louis, right?" Harry asks and moves to sit in the desk next to him.

"Y-yeah." Louis answer quietly and looks back down at his book.

"What topic did you wanna do?" He asks softly and looks over at Louis' book to turn to the right page.

"U-um, I was thinking the C-civil War?" Louis asked a lit unsurely.

"That sounds good." Harry smiles at him and turns to begin reading the chapter on the topic.

They sit in silence while reading the chapter. To Louis' surprise, it isn't that awkward.

By the time they both finish reading the chapter, the period is about to end so they pack up their things.

"Do you wanna come over to my house after school today, so we can start to work on the project? Get an early start?" Harry asks as he zips up his bag after he put the book in.

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