Chapter 1| Newbie

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Chapter 1: Newbie

We arrived at the school gate and I checked the time on my wrist watch.

"7:46. Just in time."

I was driven down here in my father's SUV by his chauffeur, Tobi.

My father was simply outraged that I slept in this morning but he was too engrossed in his office paperwork to find a suitable punishment for me.

Before my mom died, he was a medical doctor in practice. He had taken over his dad's hospital and had been running it back when grandpa died.

And now that he resigned from his military service ever since my mom's death, he was back at the hospital.

"I won't be driving you into the school premises since I need to take your father to the hospital in time. You messed up our schedule anyway so the fault is yours." Tobi said while eying me in the overhead mirror.

I nodded and alighted the car, showing the security men the ID card I had collected after my entrance exams before stepping into the school premises and making my way to the admin block.

On getting to the administrative building, I was directed to the receptionist who looked me over a couple of times with wary eyes behind her small eyeglasses <because of my skin color, I presume> before she handed me the school map and my locker number only after a few questioning. I briskly made my exit and finally proceeded into the school.

Looking around, I dwelled on the view once more of this vast land with magnificent structures as I passed by other students. I kept on walking down a footpath for an excruciating while till I considered the possibility of getting lost. Taking a quick glance at the map again, I realized I really couldn't figure out where my class block was.

Chrisland high was a huge institution in every sense, with the junior school segregated from the senior block and the auditorium. There were two separate hostels, each for the males and females, a tennis court, football field, marathon field and other recreational spots. There was the gym, library, laboratories, art studio, farm, and sundries. I know right? My father sure picked out the best school for me to attend. And one with my name written all over it.

"8:15. Damnit!"

I gave up on the map and looked up just in time to find a guy my age walking past me.

"Um, hey. Do you care to point out where the senior block's at?"

The boy stopped and turned to me with the warmest smile. "Sure. That's where I'm also headed."

No shit. I was heading past the school.

"Oh thanks. I would've lost my way if it wasn't for you. But if the school is this way, where....?" I faltered with a skeptical look towards the path he'd come.

"Oh, no I'm coming from my dorm. I'm a boarder."

"You are?"

"Yeah. I slept in so I missed the shuttle and here I am. Walking." he smiled and I nodded hesitantly.

"Makes two of us."

We headed on to our supposed building and I cleared my throat before speaking again.

"I'm guessing you're a senior?"

Taking my sweet time, I let my eyes do the wandering on my company. Good-looking?: check. Tall?: check. Got style?: check. Smoking hot?: check. May I go on? I was quite certain that a lot of girls were swooning all over him.

He had on a white customized shirt with the school's badge slapped on the left breast just beneath the school jacket and a red tie hanging down his neck. His grey pants had no crease and completing the sleek look were the chosen ashy socks and Fendi moccasins that screamed wealth. His punk dreads appealed to me the most and just taking note of his looks so I wasn't gawking here.

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