less wholesome memes

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yeah so am i but only because you wasted time and energy creating this meme rather than letting a nine year old do what they want. not your kid, your input was not necessary. unless the child was forced into it for some reason, you don't need to get involved

and, for the record male human beings with fragile masculinity, dresses can be fun to wear if they're comfy, would recommend for any gender once in a while

and, for the record male human beings with fragile masculinity, dresses can be fun to wear if they're comfy, would recommend for any gender once in a while

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okay got a few things to say here-

1) "it's worked for thousands of years" bruh so had homosexuality just in secret

2) "it's natural" again, so is homosexuality in like a hundred species if not more

3) "you can make babies" yeah that seems to be the main complaint about heterosexuality just sayin'

4) the ironic this is that if we're counting the white wedding gown this is basically the trans pride color scheme so great job whoever made this 👏👏👏

4) the ironic this is that if we're counting the white wedding gown this is basically the trans pride color scheme so great job whoever made this 👏👏👏

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if you want an actual answer, it's simple

people became more

a c c e p t i n g

and to anyone who dares use the excuse, "if we accept the gays everyone will be gay"

oh yes definitely because when we respected and accepted african americans everyone wanted to be black

oh yes definitely because when we respected and accepted african americans everyone wanted to be black

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