valentines gay

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happy valentines gay!!!

even though i'm single as a motherfucking pringle this year, i'm pumped

for our class valentines gay party, i'm bringing harry potter and danny devito themed cards taped to a FULL BAR of Hershey's chocolate

i'm gonna wear so much pink. like, pink shirt, pink flowered heart necklace, one pink and one purple heart earring, rainbow disney bracelet, cuffed jeans, all that jazz

after the party, since our school has a half day, i'm going to my best friend's house to work on a lil Spanish project

after that, we're gonna go to a sushi restaurant if everything works out

so, yeah, i'm single for valentines gay cuz i recently got out of a relationship. but i'm not completely pissed about it. i still plan to have a great gay today, and even if you're single, i hope you do to!

and if you're not single, have a great valentines gay (or straight)!!


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