(interactive things)

549 13 77

so I got a lil task for y'all

if u want, ask me questions. I don't care if they're about being bi, or just random questions. ask anything you want. I'll probably tie this in with something else, but yeah ask away.

in the meantime while I'm waiting for questions, I'll publish other chapters just so there's not a 5-day period with like nothing just because I'm waiting for questions.

come on

ask me something

you know you want to

maybe you have that one friend that's part of the LGBTQ+ community and you have a million questions for them, but you don't wanna sound insensitive.

just ask them here.

you can remain anonymous

you don't even have to ask anything about sexuality.

maybe just a random question.

like how my day was

or my favorite color

or maybe you just wanna spill your troubles.

I'm here for you broski

say anything

ask anything

insult me

threaten me

I don't care

this has been up for almost a month and no one has asked anything

please ask something

I'm legit begging you

Anyways, have a great (random) day!

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