2. Culture Shock

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The next day was the first day of the semester.

Although the allowance they got was very limited, Cheng Ming and Yang Jian were still optimistic about getting their platinum cards back at the end of the week so rather than using the bikes, they called a taxi. Two taxis. To the same university. To the same campus. For ten minutes of a ride.

Although Cheng Ming and Yang Jian thought they had nothing in common, their thinking was very similar, a little bit too optimistic let's say. Both of them failed to see the determination of their fathers so other than moving to the small house, they didn't change anything in their daily life.

For lunch, they again went to their usual restaurant with their own friends (different tables, it is important) although it caused 1/4 of the allowance for Cheng Ming and 1/5 for Yang Jian (he didn't order salad or dessert).

Going back home was lucky as their friends drove them home, separately. To the same house.

As cooking was out of question, they went out for dinner with the same friends from lunch (Cheng Ming had four close friends; A, B, C, D (D was the only girl) while Yang Jian had five; Z, Y, X, W, V (no girls)).

That night of course finished at the club.

When one does the simple maths, one sees that only in one day, they spent almost half of their monthly allowance.

And again, when one does the simple maths, one can calculate on which day the duo ran back home to ask for more money. Wednesday? Very early in the morning? Bingo!

One more time, guess who came back home with no money but with a university cafeteria card and the promise of refilling the fridge every Sunday? Cheng Ming and Yang Jian? Double bingo!

Maybe Heaven's thought that the sudden change of lifestyle was too harsh for the boys as their friends got their back for the rest of the week. Still, the wolf and the fox knew that they couldn't rely on their friends for the rest of the semester.

"We are doomed," Cheng Ming murmured and for the first time Yang Jian agreed with him.


The next week started very tiring for Cheng Ming and Yang Jian as they needed to cycle to the campus. Indeed, they were visiting the gym regularly and playing basketball every Saturday but cycling wasn't their jam. When they arrived at the main gate, they were already soaked with sweat, panting heavily. It was only twenty minute though...

By asking, they finally found the area for the bike park. They left the bikes and were ready to go when the sudden voice stopped them.

"Won't you lock the bikes?"

The duo looked at the owner of the voice who was a short, fragile-looking boy, then to the bikes, then to each other, then again to the owner of the voice.

Cheng Ming didn't recognise the boy talking to them but there was a bell ringing in Yang Jian's memory although the ringing was quite distant.

Luckily, the boy was used to that kind of treatment, even worse. Usually people didn't pay him any attention, at least the duo looked at him for more than twenty seconds.

"I am your classmate actually," he pointed to Yang Jian.

"He is just a stupid fox," Cheng Ming didn't miss the chance to tease Yang Jian, "unlike me, he doesn't remember any of his classmates."

Yang Jian rolled his eyes while the boy didn't comment.

"You need to lock the bikes if you want to find them back," the boy said again. He was amazed with the unawareness of the boys.

"Yes... yes... sure," Yang Jian murmured but they didn't bring any locks, they just simply got the bikes from the garage where their fathers left them.

"Wow, who knew even the campus is not safe!" Cheng Ming spoke the words in Yang Jian's mind.

The boy smiled a bit, the duo was quite funny. "Wait a sec here," he said and went to the other row, then he came with a lock. "You can use mine for today," he gave the lock to Yang Jian.

"But how about your bike?" Yang Jian didn't want to take it.

"Mine is already old, yours are new and super expensive so just use it," he reassured Yang Jian who was still reluctant. They are actually nice, not as cold as they seemed, he thought.

As the situation was getting more awkward each second, Cheng Ming got the lock from Yang Jian's hand and locked the two bikes together. Then he turned to the boy again, "thank you, and your name is..."

"Li Tian Feng," the boy smiled slightly.

"Nice to meet you, I am Cheng Ming and you already know the fox," he patted the boy on the shoulder, "see you later!"

After Cheng Ming left for his faculty, Yang Jian and Tian Feng also went to their faculty under the shocked expressions of the others.

When lunch time came, Cheng Ming gave Yang Jian a call for the first time in four years.

"The owner of the phone is dead, right?"

"What are you saying, you evil fox!" Cheng Ming hissed.

"Why are you calling me then?" Yang Jian asked although he knew the answer. He was glad that the damn wolf called him first cause his pride wouldn't let him call him.

"Hımm, I..." Cheng Ming hesitated a little, "it's about lunch..."

Normally, Yang Jian wouldn't miss a chance to torture Cheng Ming but this time he was desperate as well. So he simply said, "come here, we can go together."

At the other end of the line, Cheng Ming couldn't believe his ears. It was the first time they talked without any sarcasm. He didn't know what to say so he just answered, "mnn."

Normally the walking takes around ten minutes but Cheng Ming arrived at Yang Jian's faculty in five minutes as he ran all the way in case Yang Jian would change his mind.

"Did you run?" Yang Jian's eyes widened with shock.

Cheng Ming wiped the sweat on his forehead with his sleeve, "I needed to exercise a bit before lunch."

Of course Yang Jian didn't believe him and of course Cheng Ming knew he didn't believe him.

"Why didn't you go with your friends?" Cheng Ming tried to change the subject.

"The same reason why you didn't go with yours." They simply didn't want to depend on their friends, they were too proud for that.

"So..." Cheng Ming looked around with confused eyes, "where is the cafeteria?"

Yang Jian rolled his eyes, "stupid wolf!" Then he led the way. Indeed, he had never been in the cafeteria but he knew every place on the campus. But that was the end of his knowledge. Entering the cafeteria, they felt like stepping into another world.

It was self-service! There were no plates but metal trays! Waiting in line to get food!

It was too unsophisticated for their taste.

The duo stood at the entrance, appalled by the scene. They could stand there until the end of the world if Tian Feng didn't come to rescue.

"Will you eat here?" He was beyond shocked. The richest kids on the campus were eating in the cafeteria!

"Hmm," the duo looked at each other with horrified eyes.

"Come then, I will help you to get food," Tian Feng led them to the line.

The duo was watching every move of Tian Feng very carefully. Tian Feng never felt that awkward in his entire life.

Get the tray and the chopsticks, wait in the line, choose what you want, press the cafeteria card to pay... Wow, the chicken wings are this cheap?!

Finally, they managed to get the food and sat together to eat. Guess who didn't like the food?...Bingo!

The rest of the day passed quickly in a daze as they were still culture shocked.

When they went back home, they didn't even have energy to fight, both of them went to their rooms and locked the room.

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