Morning with Harry

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"I'm off for a walk, and incase I see justin I need to look good." I looked at her and laughed weakly

"a walk?" she raised hereyebrows. "yes for um fresh air you know" I smiled again then mentally slapped myself way to go moron

"mhm I see well a walk will help you " she said standing up

"help me with what?" I frowned crossing my arms.

"uh your love problem" she said opening her closet.

"I dont have such a thing!" I exclaimed standing up and sitting on the bed.

"mhm sure, cause having two international heartthobs crazy over isnt hard on you" she turned smirking.

"Elle I dont know what you mean. justin is just a friend and harry is too" I finished up laying back

"friends dont ask other friends on dates, or kiss them goodbye or goodnight for that matter, " she said throwing something on my tummy. I looked down and gawked.

"Elle this is yours I cant wear this," I sighed reaching ou to give it to her.

"hunny, youre right what if you see justin got to look good aye?" she winked and went to the bathroom

"dont be fooled miss kacey, they both fancy you, but what you need to figure out is who do you fancy?" she opened the bathroom door.

"have a lovely walk dear see you soon," she smiled ad walked in.

when did Elle become my love master? the world may never know.

sighing looked at the outfit again it truly was adorable gilly hicks white sweater and fernham jeans by jack wills and cute little white lacy flats i wish Elle was my personal dresser.

I slipped into them and walked over to my little make up "area" and sat in the rolling chair, before I did anything I just starred at myself in the tiny mirror. I don't see why either of the boys would even think about fancying me, it almost seems to good to be true.

my phone bzzed breaking me out of my trance.

the message popped up and I froze; Nicolas.

"so you're finally with your brother? and you're all over his friend and that justin kid and your calling me a bad boyfriend? I dont think so.. you're so done payne. "

I read it over and over. it scared me, to death. but I swallowed my fear for later and applied some make up trying to clear my head of that message.

once done I smiled, its amazing what make up does. I stood up grabbed my purse slid it over my sholder and checked the time, 10:30 time to go I opened the door to what I thought was an empty hallway But once I closed it I relaxed.

"haz?" I said and he spun around

"good morning love"

"good morning harold" I smiled and

he walked over, "ready to go?"

"of course!" I smiled and we walked to the elevator and waited for it to ding once it did we stepped in.

"so plans for today?" I asked crossing my arms a bit.

"oh well you'll see" he smiled cheekily, "dear god this sould be smashing" I smirked and made him chuckle.

we got to the last floor and he let me out first, and we walked to a car

"hazza who's is this?" I asked puzzled

"no worries about that" he opened the door.

he walked over and opened the right side door and slid in the drivers seat, and started the car

"radio? or no radio"? he asked leaning towards the radio player, "radio " I chirrped and he pushed power


Blasted through the radio cause me and him to start laughing

"is it ever weird to hear yourself on the radio harry?" I asked as he drove

"a little but in a sense its really cool, " he smiled.

"baby you light up my world like nobody eles," he sand along and glanced at me and smiled "the waay that you flip your hair get me overwhelmed," he paused, "but when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell, " I finished earning a grin from harry,

"ladies and gentelmen Kacey Payne!" he annouced making me roll my eyes, the car stopped slowly and I glanced ot the window.

"Starbucks?" I questioned. "you can't have an amzing day without starting it with amazing tea" he smiled I felt my tummy tigten here come those feelings, ugh go away!

"true" I smiled I opened the door and he did too we walked in to a crowded starbucks where he had his glasses on and I pulled out a pair aswell. "no need to be noticed it wouldnt help the secret date huh?"he whispered and I nodded.

we both ordered, rasberry iced tea for me and he wanted some hot yorkshire tea.

we went back to the car and sat quietly enjoying the drinks.

"kacey I have a question"he asked me and I nodded "yes?"

"Do you think Liam will find out?" he bit his lip.

"well, maybe." I sighed "but if he does I'm taking blame not you not again, wether he likes it or not I want to be with you--- like able to hang out" I corrected myself so I wouldn't get embarrassed

"he'll just have to deal. " I finished, he looked a bit red.

"I agree with you. look kacey I promise I'll make today one of the best days ever." he gave me a loppsided smile, making my heart melt.



The Payne Life (One direction fan fic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ