Chapter 3: The Master

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    The shadow turned into a human form and spoke into the mic.

"HELLO. I am the one who brought chaos among this city. I just have one thing to say. The legend of the dark and light swords is real. Dex, there's a war coming, and you will be the first to die. Good luck."

    The shadowy figure disappeared among the shadows which left Sarah and her officers on the stage. "That is all." And with that she disappeared. And at that moment a terrifying bolt of lightning struck the ground of the center tower. The exact same bolt of lightning that appeared when Razor or his companion or me transformed into creatures. Just then from far I spotted the armored creature appear at the center of the city. But that's impossible, I destroyed the armored creature ability years ago after I killed Razor the second time... Katy appeared from behind me and took her sword.

"We going to kill this bitch or nahh??"

    I chuckled under my breath before she smacked me in the back of my head. I looked back at her as she gave me a playful look. The captain walked in with two suitcases and placed them on the table. He pointed at us to open them. We walked over to the suitcases and opened them. My eyes widened as the object came into view. They were modified gear packs used in the creature wars. The packs were remade like a skinny paper with five pockets. The center top had a pocket for the legend swords. The top corners had pockets full of blade refills. The two side pockets had two uzis and theyre refills. Attach to our belts were the grapple hooks. I assembled the geae onto me and helped Katy put hers on. Once we were ready the captain breifed us.

"Heres what you are going to do. Theres a train carrying supplies underground to a secret base. Yo need to intercept that train and steal the cargo. That is all."

    Katy and I looked at eachother and nodded. Our first mission to stop this new formed empire was underway. And none of us knew that above ground, the definition of peace was about to disappear...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2014 ⏰

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