New Book Idea?

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OKAY. So I have another book idea... wait no, a short story idea that came to me. Here's what I have written so far. It's a scene that came to me, really. I need some honest opinions here, because I kind of want to continue it, but I want to see how people will react to it.

"You're mine," he growled as he pulled me to him. He greedily sniffed my scent and only then did he seem to calm down. I could tell though, that he was still on edge and alert.

He squeezed me tightly, not wanting me to run away again. Was this really it? I suppose it was. The idea... gave me relief.

I grabbed his hair, tugged it and pulled his head up from my shoulder so that I could see him. His handsome face was mesmerizing and I was shocked that he was mine. That he wanted me to be his too.

"And you're mine. So don't you forget it."

I completely let myself go. This was it. What I had been waiting for my whole life. No longer did I have to silently kill myself. Kill what made me... me. What made me different from everyone else.

"I gave you so many chances..." I whispered, "so many times, you could have just walked away..."

I looked gently into his eyes and showed him my obsession. The thing I thought was the ugliest part of me. His eyes showed confusion and surprise, but no disgust. That was what would hurt me the most. I was used to being feared, but I didn't think I would be able to handle disgust. My love, what other people considered too extreme, too suffocating, could now be reciprocated with that same intensity.

"Now you have to stay with me forever. Okay? I've waited for someone like you, you know. For someone who loved, who felt as intensely as I do. So many men have run when I showed who I was to them. So many... but now, you can't. Because wherever you are, whoever you are with, I will know. I will find you. So you have to stay with me forever. And I tried, I really did, to stop myself..."

I was cut off with a kiss. It was none of those cute first kisses you see in the movies where the girl bends one knee in the rain under an umbrella with violins in the background. No. There was none of that. It was hard, it was passionate, it was crazed, and it was awesome. I didn't have to calm myself down now. I could be myself in front of this man.

And damn did it feel good.

His thick tongue slid inside my mouth and aggressively stalked its territory. I did the same, but with less intensity. He was special, my man. He could be more aggressive than I was, and I loved it.

I slid my tongue over his and he lightly nipped it. The slight pain I perceived as pleasure and groaned. His eyes darkened and he let out a husky groan as well.

"Levi..." I basically moaned his name and the self-control that he held disappeared. All of a sudden I was in the air and moving. A pair of large hands had somehow made their way to my butt and were groping around. We still kissed and nipped each other as he threw me onto his bed.

"You... you're just a little seductress, arent you? But you're only for me, remember that. If you act this way in front of any other man, I'll kill them."

The bloodthirst in his expression told me he wasn't lying and rather than scare the shit out of me, as it would anyone else, it turned me on even more.

"Less chit chat and more action. I've been waiting for too long."

I ripped off the buttons to his nice dress shirt. I vaguely thought about how it was a shame that such a good shirt was ruined, but I could always sew them back on... ow.

Levi glared at me. His face was on my collar bone and he started to lick where he had just bit me.

"Thinking about something else, huh? Maybe a person?"

His eyes once more glinted and he looked angry. I bit him back on his shoulder and licked it. Enjoying watching his eye color darken once more.

"I'm not sure someone else would be able to handle me. Sorry, but you got stuck with a faulty product. No return policy too."

He smiled up to me and pressed his forehead on mine. Our breaths mixed in between us and I was surrounded by his cologne.

"Well, good thing I have no plans on returning, isn't it? I'm very satisfied."

I beamed a smile at him.

"Well, what do you know? So am I."

Now... opinions. I am well aware that this can be triggering for some people. It is, after all, a darker piece of work than this book, but I enjoy expanding my horizons. Everybody has a dark side, and I'm kinda just feeding into mine. 

So lay it all on me. 

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