Part 2

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A bad stench woke the woman up. She wrinkled her nose as she opened her eyes warily. Noticing her surroundings, she was shocked. Where was she? Had the company found her body and disposed of her in some alleyway?

Hunger hit her like a mack truck as she curled into a ball in an attempt to negate some of the pain. Touching herself, she found, much to her horror, that she was filthy on top of being hungry. Dirt was caked under her cracked nails, in between her toes, and in places she didnt even know existed until now. When she looked at her rags for clothes and felt her ratty hair, she really just wanted to cry. 

Why am I like this? Shouldn't I be in a hospital or something?! I passed out for crying out loud! That doesn't mean I got kicked to the streets! Hobos are better off than I am right now!

Feeling that her breasts were missing and that she was very skinny and frail, she was startled to see a little girl's body. The, no, her body was small, scrawny, and malnourished. The woman hurriedly grabbed some of her hair and was aghast to see that it was white! Well, it should be white, but looked more to be grey because of the dirt caked on it. After being thrown a curveball, the woman quickly began to try and process what was happening.

Did I die? Did I transmigrate into a different body? I mean, that seems to be the only plausible explanation here, right?

Looking left and right, the woman, no girl, was glad to see that no one else was in the alleyway with her, only doors surrounded by trash bags. She made the safe assumption that they led to restaurants or shops. 

After a few minutes of processing her current situation she felt calmer and was collecting herself until she heard footsteps coming her way and turned around. She first saw their ratty straw sandals, then she saw their filthy clothes, and then she laid eyes their even uglier faces. The three men looked as if they came straight out of her nightmares. They were so ugly and dirty! Not to mention perverted as they leered at her. She eyed them warily.

"You thought that just because you moved a few streets away we wouldn't find you?" Ugly guy #1 said.

"Yeah, you still owe us the money. For running away, we'll have to charge extra." Ugly guy #2 leered. 

"Guys, look. She cant even buy shoes. 5 silvers? Peh! But there are other ways for her to pay... right?" Ugly guy #3 said with a perverted look in his eyes. The hidden meaning evident in his words made her hair stand on end. 

Pedophiles! All of them! Perverts too! If I were a real little girl I probably would have been done in by these old fogeys!

The girl forced herself to stand up and attempted to form a fighting pose. The fatigue and hunger she experienced made the task difficult but she gritted her teeth and stuck through it. At the sight of her determination, the ugly trio were surprised but it quickly turned into scorn. This little girl thought that she could take on all three of them? They would beat her until she couldn't move! Then she could see who was in charge.

Ugly guy #1 grabbed his knife from his boot and the other two raised their fists. The girl made the first move by tackling Ugly Guy #1 and disarming him. The unexpected strength caught him by suprise and he involuntarily loosened his grip. The girl quickly snatched the knife and backed away. Ugly Guy #2 and #3 were surprised that she moved so fast and stood rooted to their spots.

They quickly snapped out of it when Ugly Guy #1 yelled.

"What are you assholes doing?! Get her!"

The girl took the moment when they were all stunned to run. She forced her legs to run as she bore with the pain of over exhorting her body. As she didn't know where she was going, she just took random lefts and rights hoping to find the main road or to run into someone who could help her. Very quickly, she found herself losing her strength and slowing down. Turning her head, she saw the three ugly guys turn the corner and advance on her. 

She saw another turn and decided to try and lose them there. She could probably just jump into a pile of garbage and hide. The very thought of it made her cringe in disgust, but her life came first. As she was turning the corner, however, she caught sight of three very imposing men. All in black suits with scary auras. 

She looked with wide eyes as she... smacked into the man on the left. 

What is this guy made of?! I feel like I just ran into a wall!

The man, evidently surprised, grabbed onto her arm. All four of them heard and saw the three ugly guys round the corner with rabid faces. Upon seeing the three imposing and scary looking men, they immediately paled placed their faces once full of courage and confidence were quickly replaced by nervousness. The girl, once again, took advantage of this chance of them being stunned. She grabbed the man who had her arm and pressed the pressure points in his hand, forcing him to release his grip. The hard lump at his chest gave her an idea as she clumsily reached inside of his suit and grabbed the gun.

Well, I'll be damned! There are actually guns here!

She quickly ran to the wall and leaned back on it. Making sure that no one would be able to sneak up from behind and knock her out or something. She unclicked the safety on the gun and struggled to lift it and aim at anybody. The three ugly guys had long since run away and the scary-looking guy she had stolen the gun from showed suprise before quickly returning to his stoic face once more. He, along with his two other buddies surrounded her and slowly began to advance...

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