Part 31

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His bedroom! That was the only other place it could be. Lorena decisively left the office for the five to search and made her way to Albert's bedroom. Currently, Albert was keeping a very close business associate company and having a round of drinks with him as a curtesy. There wouldn't be another shot, so she had to take this one. 

She slipped right under the guards' noses and arrived right at the window. She carefully pushed it open and, with one hand on the windowsill, hauled the rest of her body over. She checked behind all paintings, pulled all of the books, and checked all of the drawers. 


Fuck! This is going to be a problem... Breathe. Deep. One in. One out. 

Lorena calmed herself and began to search the room for anything suspicious or out of place. She looked... 

All there are books, a couch, a chair, a rug, a statue, a bed, and a mantle for the fireplace. Wait... a statue?

There were no statues anywhere in the house. The Garrula's were not religious people and therefore didn't allow any religious statues of any sort into their home. The fact that there was a statue of a goddess when the Garrula's clearly didn't believe in such stuff, was very strange indeed. 

Lorena quickly examined the statue that was about the size of her and found a strange line on the wrist. 

Got it!

Lorena twisted the wrist and immediately the fire was split in two and there was a safe.

Holy shit! I've only seen this in movies! This is too cool!

Lorena immediately made use of her lockpicking skills and broke open the safe. She saw the portrait and immediately heaved a sigh of relief. She shoved the portrait in her breast pocket and put everything back in the place it was before. Nodding in satisfaction, she made her way to the window...

Only to see a guard directly below her. 

This was not a part of the guard schedule she got! Nobody was supposed to be here for another two minutes! 

Not good! They must have found something strange!

She couldn't go out the door either, as there were two guards directly outside. For the second time that day, Lorena found herself in a bind. 

Truly, whenever you have anything to do with the main characters, the difficulty mode gets upped! 

The guard hadn't seen her yet, that was good. He didn't know she was there. She could climb up to the roof and travel from there. Lorena smoothly opened the window once more, keeping her eyes trained on the guard who was marching back and forth. She closed it carefully behind her and balanced herself on the railing. 

Her eyes flitted around her and finally landed on the vines growing on the side of the wall. She shook her head, she didn't have the confidence to climb up and not make any noise. She looked above her and found an overhang and nodded to herself. She squatted down low and then jumped as high as she could, grabbing the edge of the hang and curled herself up to roll on top of it. 

All without a sound. 

She tested the tiles and was relieved to find they were sturdy. Good. That meant that they wouldn't make any noise. She sent the signal for the five to retreat and started to head back to the Solace mansion. 


Hey! So I know I haven't been writing and all, but I finished putting together my newest book, My Reality. It's a world-hopping novel with a plot and I actually have an ending in mind. I wrote everything out on an outline first, so I actually know exactly what's going to happen. I'm really excited for it and have the prologue up already if you want to check it out! 

Aight. I'm out! ( ' ▽ ' )ノ

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